Setting Task Parameters

The Parameters dialog only contains data for tasks that are associated with an Integration Type and have parameters. Integration Types provide links to external applications. From Parameters, you can set specific information about the task and how it is run. The parameters are passed to the external application. For example, if the task contains a link to a data grid, you might use the Parameters dialog to select a point of view for the grid.

To set task parameters:

  1. On the Home page, click Application, and then click Task Manager.
  2. Click the Templates icon Templates tab on the left and then click the Tasks tab.


    The Tasks tab is displayed at the bottom of the page.
  3. From the New Task or Edit Task dialog box, click Parameters.
  4. If the parameter values are not entered by the task type, you may enter the required parameter values.


    If the parameters are not defined when the task is ready to start, an email is sent to the task owner. The task waits to start until the values are provided.

  5. See also: