Translating Data

Currency translation converts data from one currency to another. You can translate data from the entity’s input currency to any other reporting currency that has been defined in the application. When you consolidate data, currency translation occurs if the parent entity has a different default currency than the child entities.

Financial Consolidation and Close provides default currency translations for a multi-currency application. By default, the translation process uses the Periodic Value (PVA) method for Flow accounts, and the Value at exchange rate (VAL) method for Balance accounts. The default method and exchange rate accounts used can be modified. See Specifying Default Translation Settings.

Translation is performed using calculation scripts and based on stored consolidated data. When the system performs translation, if data is not consolidated or if data is impacted, it automatically consolidates the data before translation. The system translates the stored consolidated amount to the Reporting currency by applying the applicable exchange rates.

Translation to Parent currency is performed as part of the consolidation process. If you want to translate data into a specific Reporting currency, you select the target Reporting Currency and perform translation. Only currencies enabled for reporting are available for Reporting currency translation.

You can translate data to a Reporting currency even if the entity is locked and its calculation status is OK or System Changed. If the Entity currency calculation status is System Changed, the Reporting currency status will also change to System Changed after translation.

All accounts within the Balance Sheet grouping ("FCCS_Balance Sheet") and accounts that reside outside of the Balance Sheet hierarchy (Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue and Expense account type) - except for "Saved Assumption" accounts - are translated. If you do not want accounts that reside outside of the Balance Sheet hierarchy to be included in the translation process, you can create a Substitution Variable named ExtendAccountScope and set the value to False.

The default translation is based on the default translation settings that you have selected from the Translation Overrides screen (Periodic Translation at Average Rate is used by default unless modified).

All members under the FCCS_Movements hierarchy are translated at the selected translation settings except for the Opening Balance and Opening Balance Adjustment member. Any override account entries for accounts specified as Historical Amount Override or Historical Rate Override Exchange Rate Type accounts are then applied, replacing the default translations. If no override entries were made, then the Historical accounts remain translated at the default settings. Any deployed translation override rules are then applied, adjusting or replacing the default translation results.

Movement dimension members that are created outside of the FCCS_Movements hierarchy are included in translation and consolidation calculations, including default translations, Translation Override rules, Translation Override entries, Configurable Calculation rules, On-Demand rules, and Configurable Consolidation rules. This behavior is enabled by the ExtendMovementScope substitution variable, which is enabled by default. To disable the feature, you can change the value of the substitution variable to False. Note that ExtendMovementScope excludes members under the hierarchies of FCCS_ClosingBalance_Variance, FCCS_CashFlow, and FCCS_CashChange.

In the translation process, Translation Override rules are executed before Translation Override entries. If you do not want override rules to be processed before Amount / Rate override entries, you can add a substitution variable named skipTransRulesIfOverrideRatesExist and set the value to False.

In applications with Ownership Management enabled, Acquisition and Disposal Movement dimension members use the prior period Ending Rate for translation. This applies to the following dimension members:

  • FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions

  • FCCS_Mvmts_Acquisitions_Input

  • FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals

  • FCCS_Mvmts_Disposals_Input

For Historical accounts (Historical, Historical Account Override, Historical Rate Override), the system uses the prior period Effective Rate for the translation of Acquisition and Disposal Movement members. If the prior period Effective rate is not available (which can occur when data for the prior period is not consolidated due to a Consolidation % of 0%), then the system applies the prior period Average Rate.

For Historical account default translation, the system checks if the calculated Effective rate is in the scope of (0.1, 10), otherwise it will use the Average rate. To remove the Effective rate threshold, you can add a substitution variable named DisableRateThreshold and set the value to True.

Opening Balance is always carried forward from the Closing Balance of the prior period for all stored levels of data and is never translated. Opening Balance Adjustment entries are deemed to be related to the prior period (for example, prior period adjustments). Opening Balance Adjustment entries are therefore translated by default at the prior period Ending Rate,

The Opening Balance Adjustment of a historical account is translated by default using the Effective rate from the prior period (the ratio of the prior period Closing Balance translated amount divided by the prior period Closing Balance untranslated amount) on an account-by-account basis. However, if the prior period Effective rate is not available (which can occur when data for the prior period is not consolidated due to a Consolidation % of 0%), then the system applies the prior period Average Rate.

If you need to disable the default translation behavior for Historical accounts, you can create a Substitution Variable namedTranslateOBOCAcqDispAtPriorER and set the value to False. It is not required to consolidate the historical periods, as this variable becomes effective only when there is any change in the Consolidation percentage.

The Consolidation Process Translated tab includes an option named Translate Opening Balance Adjustment with Prior Rate, where you can select the rate to use for Opening Balance Adjustment entries. You can select the Average or Ending rate. This option is only available if the TranslateOBOCAcqDispAtPriorER substitution variable is set to True.

If you use the Translate Opening Balance Adjustment with Prior Rate option and select the Ending rate, the Opening Balance Adjustment historical account is translated using the prior period Ending rate (if the prior Effective rate is not available).

Foreign Exchange Variances (FX Opening, FX Movements) are then calculated to bring the aggregated Closing Balance to the equivalent of the untranslated Closing Balance translated at Ending Rate. Then for all accounts that are defined with an Exchange Rate Type of Historical, Historical Rate Override or Historical Amount Override, the calculated FX is reversed in either the FX-to-CTA or FX-to-CICTA movement members. The accumulation of these reversals for all accounts within the Balance Sheet top member (not the "FCCS_Balance Sheet" grouping, but the "FCCS_Total Balance Sheet" Traditional or Net Assets member) are then posted to the CTA or CICTA account (within the Balance Sheet, the reversal of the calculated FX and the posting to CTA / CICTA is a balanced entry).

After the translation process is complete, the translated data is stored. Adjustments can be made to the stored data using Configurable Calculation rules.

You can view the exchange rates used for calculations in a pre-defined data form. You can also use pre-defined forms to enter exchange rates and to enter override rates. See these sections:

To translate data:

  1. On the Home page, click Data.
  2. From the Forms list, click Data Status.
  3. Select the point of view.
  4. Select a cell for which to run translation rules.
  5. From the Actions drop-down menu, select Business Rules.
  6. From the Business Rules dialog, click Translate.
  7. When the translation process successfully completes, the system displays a confirmation message. Click OK.
    Note that if a translation is interrupted, it might be necessary to run a Force Translate to reset the system and complete the required translation.