Viewing Consolidation Progress

When you consolidate data, you can monitor the status of the task from the Jobs console. You can view Pending Jobs, or Recent Activity, including the completion status, date and time.

You can view the real-time status of the Consolidation job in the Jobs console. It displays information about the level that is being processed, as well as the period that is being consolidated and the total number of entities processed relative to the total number of entities for the processing period.


The real-time status won’t be displayed if you are running a consolidation on multiple exclusive entities selected by comma separation (example: E1, E2), or if you are running a consolidation with the EnableYearlyConsol substitution variable enabled.

You should periodically refresh the screen in the Jobs console to see the latest updates while the job is running.

When consolidation is performed on a large scope, or when numerous consolidation jobs are run concurrently, a network error may arise due to limited computing resources. When this occurs, the Jobs console displays a recommendation to enable the Optimize Consolidation Job consolidation setting. This setting optimizes the resource utilization for a consolidation job so that consolidation can be carried out on larger scripts and multiple consolidations can run in parallel. By default, the setting is not enabled. To enable it, see Managing Consolidation Settings .

To view consolidation progress:

  1. On the Home page, click Application.
  2. Click Jobs.
  3. Review Pending Jobs and Recent Activity to check the status of the consolidation.
  4. Click the name of the job to view Job Details.