Impacting, Enumerating a Consolidation, and Consolidating Data

Common Data and Node Data

Consolidation dimension members can be categorized as either Common Data or Node Data.

Common Data consists of Entity Consolidation, Entity Proportion Adjustments, Entity Elimination Adjustments, Entity Adjustments Total, Entity Input, Translated Currency Input and Entity Total. Common Data includes both Entity Currency, and for multi-currency applications, Parent Currency. If the application has any shared entities, the Common Data in one instance of the shared entity is the same as the Common Data in all other instances of the shared entity. If data is populated in one instance of a shared entity, the system will propagate that data to all other instances of that shared entity. If Enhanced Organization-by-Period is not enabled, then only Entity Currency data for a multi-currency application is copied to a new shared instance. If Enhanced Organization by Period is enabled and the Parent Currency of the shared instance is the same as the Parent Currency of another instance, then the Parent Currency is copied. If there is no instance that has the same Parent Currency, the Parent Currency data in the newly shared instance will be translated through the translation process.

Node Data consists of Parent Input, Parent Total, Proportion, Elimination, Contribution, Contribution Input and Contribution Total. Node data is specific to the entity / parent relationship of each entity. Node data for one instance of a shared entity is separate and distinct from Node Data of other instances of the same shared entity and is not propagated across instances.

Note that Parent Input, Contribution Input, and Translated Currency Input are optional consolidation dimension members.

If Enhanced Organization-by-Period is not enabled, the Common Data and Node Data of an entity is treated as a single calculation unit, encompassing all calculations related to the Consolidation dimension members. Calculations are processed upwards in the Consolidation dimension hierarchy from Entity Consolidation to Contribution Total. There is also a single calculation status record, Calc Status, to record and display the status of both Common Data and Node Data results for each entity.

Common data without EOBP

If Enhanced Organization-by-Period is enabled, the Common Data and Node Data of an entity are not necessarily processed at the same time during a consolidation and are separate calculation units. There are two calculation status records, Calc Status and Node Status, to record and display the status of Common Data and Node Data results respectively.

The Common Data related calculations are processed first, upwards from Entity Consolidation to Entity Total, usually followed by Node Data calculations processed upwards from Parent Input to Contribution Total.

Common data with EOBP

However, if an entity has been assigned the Inactive consolidation method, there is a break-point between Common Data and Node Data.

Common data breakpoint

Common Data of an Inactive entity with a Calc Status of Impacted or System Changed will be included in the scope of any consolidation process invoked from the Inactive entity and will also include Impacted or System Changed Common and Node data from any active descendants of the Inactive entity.

Node Data with a Node Status of Impacted or System Changed will be included in the scope of any consolidation invoked from an active ancestor of the Inactive entity.

Impacting Data

When new data is introduced, or existing data is changed, other data points will be affected. The calculation status of affected data points will then be changed if necessary to reflect the current status.

If new data is introduced to Entity Input of an entity, the calculation status of the entity, each instance of the entity, and all of its active ancestors will be changed to the status of Impacted. Impacted data is data that is expected to change after a new consolidation process is carried out. In addition, data points in the following period will also be Impacted, with the expectation that the Opening Balances in that subsequent period will also change when re-consolidated. When a data point in the following period is impacted, that change also impacts the active ancestors of that impacted entity.

If Enhanced Organization by Period is not enabled, all ancestors are considered active, and new data or a change to data in any of the consolidation members will be recorded in the Calc Status system account. All data in the entity will have a common status regardless of the Consolidation dimension member.

If Enhanced Organization by Period is enabled, then there are two calculation status accounts, Calc Status representing Common Data and Node Status representing Node Data. When new Common Data is introduced and Calc Status is Impacted, Node Status of the same entity is also Impacted because it is expected that Proportionalization and other consolidation rules executed from a changed data set will also change Node Data (Proportion data as a minimum). When Node Status of an entity is Impacted, either by a change in Common Data or by new or changed data in a Node Data Consolidation dimension member, then Calc Status of the parent entity will also be impacted. The impacting flow will be from Calc Status to Node status of the same entity, then to Calc Status of the parent(s), then Node Status of the parent(s), then to Calc Status of the grandparent(s) and so on up the entity hierarchy.

The exception to the upward impacting of dependent calculation status accounts through the ancestors in the entity hierarchy when Enhanced Organization by Period is enabled occurs when an entity has been assigned the Inactive consolidation method. For data impacting, the Inactive method assignment creates a break-point between Common Data and Node data of the entity. In this case, although the Calc Status is impacted, the Node Status is not impacted because Proportionalization and other calculations of Node Data based on Common Data are not executed for an Inactive entity. Node Status of an inactive entity is only impacted by new data or changed data in one of the Node Data Consolidation dimension members, or by impacting of the Node Status for the same point of view in the previous period. All entities assigned consolidation methods (seeded or user-created) other than the seeded Inactive method are considered Active.

Impacting of Calc Status in one point of view will always impact Calc Status in the following period, and in the following period, impacting will propagate up through the active entities in the entity dimension.

Enumerating the Scope of a Consolidation

A consolidation is invoked from a point of view encompassing the Scenario, Year, Period and Entity. When the consolidation is invoked, the system enumerates all other points of view that are to be included in the consolidation process.

If a consolidation is invoked from an entity that has an Impacted calculation status, then only other points of view that are Impacted will be included in the enumeration, including Impacted points of view in prior periods of the current year. If the consolidation is invoked from a point of view that has a System Changed calculation status, then System Changed and Impacted points of view will be included in the enumeration, System Changed points of view in prior periods will not be included in the enumeration.

If Enhanced Organization by Period is not enabled, the system will check for an Impacted or System Changed status starting at the Calc Status of the selected point of view from which the consolidation was invoked. If found, the Calc Status of all children of that point of view will be checked. All Impacted or System Changed points of view will be added to the enumeration. The same logic is then applied to each of the points of view added to the enumeration. This downward enumeration ends when a calculation status of OK is encountered or when the process reaches a level 0 entity.

If Enhanced Organization by Period is enabled, the system will check for an Impacted or System Changed status starting at the Node Status of the selected point of view from which the consolidation was invoked. If found, the Calc Status of the selected Point of View will be checked, followed by the Node Status of all children of that point of view. All Impacted or System Changed points of view will be added to the enumeration. The same logic is then applied to the Node Status and then the Calc Status of each of the children of the points of view added to the enumeration. This downward enumeration ends when a calculation status of OK is encountered, when an Inactive entity is encountered or when the process reaches a level 0 entity. The downward enumeration will end at the Node Status of any Inactive entity

If the consolidation is invoked from an Inactive entity, the enumeration process will begin from the Calc Status instead of the Node Status of that entity. As a result, the Node Data of an Inactive entity can only be consolidated by invoking a consolidation from an ancestor of the Inactive entity.

Consolidating Data

After the in-scope points of view have been enumerated for a consolidation, the system begins the consolidation process flow for each entity, starting with the lowest level entities. If points of view from prior periods are in-scope, the consolidation process will begin in the earliest period and progress period-by-period to the period from which the consolidation was invoked. As each point of view is completed, the calculation status settings are updated to OK (Calc Status, and for Enhanced Organization by Period applications, Calc Status and Node Status).

If there are one or more instances of any shared entity in-scope of the consolidation, all instances of the shared entity are updated, whether in-scope of the consolidation or not. If Enhanced Organization by Period has not been enabled, all updates to both Common Data and Node Data are applied to all instances. If Enhanced Organization by Period has been enabled, Common Data and Calc Status are updated for all instances. Common Data and Calc Status must be the same across all instances of a shared entity. Node data and Node Status are only updated for the in-scope instance(s) of the shared entities.