Submitting, Approving, Rejecting, or Posting Supplemental Data Forms

After entering data for the form, you can select an available action, for example, Submit, Approve, or Reject. You can also multi-select forms within the Supplemental Data Tasks list using the Set Status option in Actions, perform one action on the selection, and have all the selected forms updated.

To select an action for forms:

  1. On the Home page, click Tasks.
  2. Select a Supplemental Data Form from your worklist or from within the Supplemental Data Tasks.
  3. Select an available action. For example, Submit, Approve, or Reject.

To select an action using the Set Status option:

  1. Select a form from Supplemental Data Tasks.

    To select multiple forms, press Ctrl and select multiple forms, or press Shift while you click the first and last rows in a range.

  2. From the Actions drop-down, select Set Status.
  3. From the Status drop-down, select the required status. The available status are Submit, Approve, Reject, and Post.
  4. Click Set.

    The Form Action Results dialog box displays the status results.

    • If there are no errors, the status Completed Successfully displays.
    • If there are errors, the status Completed With Errors displays with the error messages.