Revenue Management Profile Options

Set profile options to specify how Oracle Revenue Management controls access to and processes data.

Set profile options in Revenue Management to control:

  • The number of requests you can run in parallel

  • The processing unit size

Number of Processes

This profile option helps you to set up the number of child processes that should be triggered by a process. Using this profile option helps to improve performance because the number of lines are equally distributed and processed by each child process.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Number of Processes


The value indicates the number of child processes that should be triggered by a process. Use this profile option along with the Processing Unit Size profile option to determine the number of batches and the number of child processes for a process.

Processing Unit Size

This profile option helps you to group your lines into batches. Using this profile option helps to improve performance because the number of lines are equally distributed and processed by each child process.

Profile Option Display Name

Default Value


Processing Unit Size


This value indicates the number of lines that are grouped into a batch. Use this profile option along with Number of Processes profile option to determine the number of batches and the number of child processes for a process.

This table lists the recommended number of processes and the recommended processing unit size, based on the number of revenue lines:

Profile Option Up to 200,000 Above 200,000 and Below 500,000 Above 500,000 and Below 1,000,000 Above 1,000,000 and Below 1,500,000 Above 1,500,000
Number of Processes 10 15 20 40 50+
Processing Unit Size 100 250 500 500 1000