Reporting Features for Spain

Oracle Fusion Applications provide standard financial and tax reports to meet the legal and business reporting requirements of tax authorities. For countries like Spain, a set of country-specific reports is provided to meet the local reporting requirements for VAT, Modelo and withholding tax.

This tables are the lists of reports for Spain by type.

VAT Reports

Report Name


Input VAT Journal for Spain

Provides summary and detail tax information about invoices and expense reports. Reports by register type, such as recoverable tax register or nonrecoverable tax register. Selects transactions based on tax reporting type and tax reporting code.

Output VAT Journal for Spain

Provides summary and detail tax information about transactions. Reports by register type, such as tax register or nonrecoverable tax register. Selects transactions based on tax reporting type and tax reporting code.

VAT Inter-EU Invoice Journal for Spain

Provides summary and detail information about invoices received in Spain from suppliers located in any European Union member state. Includes invoices with offset or self-assessed tax distributions. Selects transactions based on tax reporting type and tax reporting code.

VAT Inter-EU Invoice Format for Spain

Lists details of the same invoices that appear on the VAT Inter-EU Invoices Journal for Spain. Selects transactions based on tax reporting type and tax reporting code.

Modelo Reports

Companies registered in Spain for tax purposes are legally required to submit periodic and annual turnover reports to the tax authorities in a predefined format. These reports support the specific formats for Modelo declarations 340, 347, 349 and 415:

Report Name


Modelo Electronic File Generation for Spain

Prepares the electronic file for Modelo 340, 347, 349, or 415 declarations.

Modelo Verification Report for Spain

Lists all payables invoices and receivables transactions that are reported in the Modelo 340, 347, 349 or 415 declarations.

Withholding Tax Reports

Companies in Spain are legally required to submit withholding tax reports to tax authorities in a predefined format called Modelo 190. These reports support Modelo 190 submission:

Report Name


Withholding Tax Extract for Spain

Extracts withholding transactions and stores them in an interface table to be used for reporting withholding tax transactions.

Withholding Tax File for Spain

Lists withholding tax transactions in a flat file using a predefined layout.

Withholding Tax Report for Spain

Provides summary or detail withholding tax information about transactions.