Configure Email Sender Name and Address

After creating a template, configure the campaign email sender’s name and address.

  1. Set the ORA_FND_BPM_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ENABLED profile option.

    1. From the Fusion home page, go to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    2. Click the Tasks icon and in the menu, click Search.

      This figure shows the Tasks icon in the Setup and Maintenance work area.
    3. Search for the Manage Administrator Profile Values task and open it.

    4. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, Profile Option Code field, enter ORA_FND_BPM_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ENABLED.

    5. Click Search.

    6. In the ORA_FND_BPM_FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ENABLED: Profile Values region, Profile Value field, select Yes.

    7. Click Save and close.

  2. Enter the email sender’s name and address.

    1. Go back to the Setup and Maintenance work area.

    2. Click the Tasks icon and in the menu, click Search.

    3. Search for the Manage Task Configurations for Financials task and open it.

    4. On the BPM worklist page, search for the DynamicDiscountCampaignOffer task.

    5. Click the task to open it and click the Edit task icon.

    6. In the task, click the Notifications tab.

    7. Click More to view the additional fields.

    8. In the Email: From and Reply To address field, enter the sender’s email address in quotes.

    9. In the Email “From:” Display Name field, enter the sender’s display name in quotes.

      This figure shows the fields to enter the email sender's email ID and display name values.
    10. Verify that the Make notification actionable check box is selected.

    11. Click the Save icon to save your changes and click the Commit task icon to commit your changes.