Residual Balance Adjustment Status

View the residual balance adjustment status of your customer contracts in the Edit Customer Contract page.

When a contract's residual balances are written off by the process, the Residual Balance Adjustment Status for the contract is set to Final Adjustment.

The Edit Customer Contract page contains the following attributes in the header:

Attribute Name Description
Residual Balance Adjustment Status Read-only status displayed for each contract.
  • Not eligible for final adjustment: Initial status upon contract identification.
  • No residual balance: A contract is marked No residual balance when it's fully satisfied and doesn't have a residual balance in the Contract Asset, Contract Liability, or Contract Discount account.
  • Eligible for final adjustment: A contract is marked Eligible for final adjustment when it's fully satisfied. A contract is fully satisfied when all the performance obligations in the contract are fully satisfied.
  • Final adjusted: A contract is marked Final adjusted after the Residual Account Balances Write-Off process creates write-off journals for the contract.
Exclude from Automatic Write-Off Set to Yes if you're managing your write-off outside of Revenue Management and you want to exclude the contract from the Residual Account Balances Write-Off process. If you set this option to Yes, the process ignores this contract even if it's eligible for processing.