SII Attribute Defaulting

This section explains the defaulting that’s built in the Online VAT reporting processes. The purpose is to minimize transaction level assignment of Online reporting required attributes.

To complete System and Party Level Lookups (Required), see Suppliers and Customers for Supplier and Customer defaults and system level defaults. The defaults and settings at these levels don’t change whether the reporting is for defaults or retroactive reporting.

Before reporting with defaults, follow these steps:
  1. If you need any of the invoices in the reporting date range to be assigned with non-default attributes, such as document type, query these transactions and update the necessary changes under Regional Information with Online VAT Reporting for Spain context.
    1. Make sure system and party level defaults are complete. These are documented in previous sections.
    2. If you have excluded supplier or customer accounts or sites from selection and if you have exceptions for these third parties and sites, query corresponding transactions in both Receivables and Payables and enter E (Excluded) in the regional information fields.
    3. For Issued Invoices Register, you may want to exclude one or more batch sources from reporting. For this, you can set receivables batch source global descriptive flexfield Exclude from Online Reporting to Yes.
  2. For unaccounted transactions, you can also change the document fiscal classification.