Retroactive Reporting

This section describes both setup and user procedures related to retroactive VAT reporting.

Requirement and Scope:

The requirement is to report retroactive data that is created and accounted before the start of Online Reporting, which is 1st of July 2017. Although the requirement is for this purpose, the solution must meet reporting of VAT transactions in any given date range for which the company hasn’t already submitted VAT data online.

Additional Setup:

  • New Lookup (Required):


    Lookup Codes: ORA_EFFECTIVE_DATES with lookup code start date as 1st of January 2017 and enabled flag as Yes. The system assumes the end state as 30th of June 2017 automatically. However, you may change the dates or disable the original line and add a new range. For example, you may retroactively report first 6 months of 2018. For this, you must disable the original lookup code and add a new line, using the corresponding start and end dates as required.

    The system initially contains the seeded lookup code.
    Important: Only one lookup code must have enabled status before running the retroactive reporting processes.
  • System and Party Level Lookups (Required):

    Refer to Suppliers and Customers for Supplier and Customer defaults and system level defaults. The defaults and settings at these levels don’t change whether it’s normal or retroactive reporting.

  • New GDFs

    These GDF changes are only applicable for the retroactive data reported through Modelo Reporting previously. The transactions already contain one of the Modelo contexts listed below. You may not update the transaction level GDFs for Online VAT for Spain context.

    Modelo Contexts:

    • JE_ES_MODELO347
    • JE_ES_MODELO349
    • JE_ES_MODELO415_347
    • JE_ES_MODELO415_347PR
    These segments apply to all the Modelo contexts shown earlier:

This table shows the details of the Transaction Header GDF.

Entry Level GDF Values Type Display Type Read Only Description Addo
AR Transaction Header Transaction Status Character LOV No R - Ready, S-Submitted, O-On Hold, M-Modified, D-Directly Reported
Tax Authority Status Character Text Box Yes N-New, A-Accepted, AE-Accepted with Errors, R-Rejected Only system update is allowed. Updated when you run the confirmation process.
Message Code Character Text Box Yes Message codes that are available at SII web site. Only system update is allowed. Updated when you run the confirmation process.
Message Description Character Text Box Yes Message code descriptions that are available at SII web site. Only system update is allowed. Updated when you run the confirmation process.
Date Last Updated Date Date No Updated when the submission or confirmation processes are run.

Optional Steps before running retroactive reporting:

  • You don’t need to perform any transaction level changes.
  • If you need any of the invoices in the retroactive date range to be assigned with non-default attributes, such as document type override, query these transactions and update the necessary changes under Regional Information with ‘Online VAT Reporting for Spain’ context. Don’t attempt to make any other SII changes to your transactions.
    Important: Your transaction may already have a Modelo context assigned. To avoid inconsistency, don’t make any context changes. If you change the context from 'Modelo' to 'VAT Reporting for Spain', you will lose all modelo related data that you previously entered for the transaction. This also means that this transaction will not be selected for modelo reporting auditing purposes.
  • Ensure system and party level defaults are complete. These are documented in previous sections except for the new lookup ‘ORA_JEES_RETROACTIVE_DATES ‘, which is documented earlier in this section.
  • If you have excluded supplier/customer accounts or sites from selection and if you have exceptions for these third parties and sites, query corresponding transactions in both Receivables and Payables and enter ‘E’ (Excluded) in the regional information fields.
  • For Issued Invoices Register, you may want to exclude one or more batch sources from reporting. For this you can set receivables batch source global descriptive flexfield ‘Exclude from Online Reporting’ to ‘Yes’.

Producing the Retroactive Reports

This’s what a typical process flow looks like:

Run the process with ‘Yes’ in the corresponding parameter, which is ‘No’ by default.

Note: Don’t select ‘Selected Intra-EU Transactions Register’ in the Register Type parameter for Retroactive Reporting.

The report produces the XML messages for the selected date range.

Important: Make sure the date range you entered is consistent with the enabled lookup code start and end dates for ORA_JEES_RETROACTIVE_DATES lookup. If there’s inconsistency, the process ends without processing data and gives you a warning.

Producing the Retroactive Reports in Modification Mode

You can run the process in Modification mode as well with ‘Yes’ in Retroactive parameter.

You can change those transactions that are accepted (or accepted with errors) if there’s a need.

Submission of the Retroactive Reports to Tax Authority

Follow the same process as normal reporting.


Follow the same process documented in Submit Online VAT Reporting Confirmation for Spain