Submit Annual Online VAT Response for Spain

This section discusses the steps to submit the Annual Online VAT Response for Spain process.

When the response messages are received, they’re uploaded for confirmation processing. Each message is assigned with a unique ID.

To start the confirmation, submit Annual Online VAT Response for Spain process.

Note: For technical details related to uploading the confirmation message, refer the Appendix 1 – How to Upload Confirmation Response Messages.

The process updates customer accounts and sites that are reported to the Tax Authority with the corresponding confirmation information.

If the Tax Authority correctly validates the record, the process updates the Tax Authority status with A approved.

If the validation is not correct, the process updates the relevant error code.

Additionally, the process updates both error message code and message description.

Field names are as follows:

  • Tax Authority Status for Cash Collections Register
  • Message Code for Cash Collections Register
  • Message Description for Cash Collections Register