Annual Online Investment Goods Register Process

Run the process after all your yearly asset invoices are fully processed and corresponding asset additions and cost adjustments are created in your Assets system.

This image shows the Goods Register process submission page:

This image shows the process submission page.

You can query the tax registration number from the list of values that give you the flexibility to filter using several fields including the name of your legal entity and your asset book.

This image shows the sample image for the Goods Register process:

This image shows the sample image.

An asset invoice is eligible to be reported if:

  • Asset invoice date is within ‘From Invoice Date’ and ‘To Invoice Date’.
  • Asset belongs to one of the two types: 10 years, 5 years
  • Asset level override value is NOT ‘No’. Here, a NULL value doesn’t mean No.

The process selects and lists all the required information in an XML format. You can edit and modify the XML file before submitting it to the Tax Authority.

You can convert the XML file to excel format. Here is an example:

Part 1

This table shows an example that converts the XML file to excel format.

ns3:NIF ns3:Ejercicio ns3:Periodo ns3:NombreRazon2 ns3:NIF3
SYS12122 2007 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2008 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2007 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2008 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2015 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2007 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2016 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2015 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2016 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012
SYS12122 2010 0A 3M Health Care_FIN FR123456789012

Part 2

Here are the additonal columns in the excel file:

This table shows the additional columns in the example that converts the XML file to excel format.

ns3:NumSerieFactu raEmisor ns3:FechaExpedicionFac turaEmisor ns3:Identificaci onBien ns3:FechaInicioUt ilizacion ns3:AssetNu mber
SII1-INV-2007-1 19-10-2007 SII1-1 31-10-2007 125379
SII1-INV-2008-1 24-10-2008 SII1-1 31-10-2007 125379
SII104-INV-2007-1 23-10-2007 SII104-1 31-10-2006 125380
SII104-INV-2008-1 23-10-2008 SII104-1 31-10-2006 125380
SII104-INV-2015-1 23-10-2015 SII104-1 31-10-2006 125380
SII104-INV-2007-01 23-10-2007 SII1040-1 31-10-2006 125399
T-IGR-181017-3 18-10-2016 IGR 31-12-2015 125375
SII-IGR-INV-001 16-12-2015 SII 1 31-12-2015 125369
T-IGR-181017-4 18-10-2016 IGR 12 31-12-2015 125376
SII102-INV-2010-1 19-10-2010 SII102-1 31-10-2010 125378

Part 3

Here are the extended columns in the excel file:

This table shows the extended columns in the example that converts the XML file to excel format.

ns3:InvoiceLineTaxableAmount ns3:InvoiceLineTaxAmount ns3:TaxRecoveryPercentage
900 189 80
900 189 70
100 21 80
12,98 2,7258 70
680 142,8 70
100 21 80
1000 210 50
1100 231 100
2000 420 50
1000 210 85