Override Joint Venture Distribution Processing

In the Joint Venture Distributions work area, you can override settings associated with a joint venture distribution to change how the distribution is processed.

You can also use an Excel spreadsheet to override values in joint venture distributions. Download the spreadsheet from the Joint Venture Distributions work area and follow the instructions in the spreadsheet to override the values as needed and upload your changes back to the work area. See Manage Joint Venture Data in Microsoft Excel for more information.

You can only override distributions that haven't already been processed for downstream activities. Here’s what you can override:

  • Distribution Status

    You can change the Available to Process status to On Hold for distributions that you aren't ready to create invoices or journals for. You might need to do this for any distributions that have been called into question. When you determine if and how to process the distributions, you can reset the status to Available to Process.

    You can also update distributions for other purposes, such as to rebill partners due to changes in ownership percentages, covering joint venture costs with partner contributions, or sending cost adjustments to Oracle Project Costing. See the following topics for details:
  • Distribution Only

    You can override the “Distribution Only” setting for distributions to exclude or include them in invoicing and other downstream processing. If the distribution was incorrectly marked as Distribution Only, you can change the setting to include it in downstream processing.

To override joint venture distribution processing:

  1. Select the distributions you want to update:

    • Select one or more rows manually.

    • Or click the Select All checkbox above the first row if you want to update all distributions based on your filter criteria.

    Caution: When you use Select All, the application selects only the first 100 distributions displayed in the table.
  2. Click Edit.

    The Distributions dialog box displays the number of selected distributions that can be updated.

  3. On Edit Distributions, change the distribution status and the “Distribution Only” setting as needed.

  4. Click Update.