Security Definition

In the application template workbook, include a worksheet for user permissions, using the security definition worksheet provided in the template for the Vision application as your guideline.

Follow this workflow for setting up a user permissions worksheet in your application template workbook:

  1. Define the Worksheet Name

  2. Define the Worksheet Type

  3. Define Security Properties

Define the Worksheet Name

Define the worksheet name in the Excel worksheet tab. Name the security worksheet where you'll define user permissions, Security. For example:

Worksheet tabs from an Excel application template working showing the naming convention for the user permissions sheet, "Security".

Define the Worksheet Type

In cell A1 in the data worksheet, type Security to signify that data in this sheet will be loaded to a cube. In Figure C-8, cell A1 contains Security to indicate that the worksheet will list all user access permissions for the application.

Figure C-8 Worksheet Type Shown in Security Worksheet of Application Template

Portion of Excel application template worksheet showing "Security" in cell A1 to indicate that this is a security-type sheet. Starting in row 3, there are these labels: Name in cell A3, Object Name in cell B3, Access Mode in cell C3, Flag in cell D3, and Object Type in cell E3.

Define Security Properties

Security properties include the user name and other user access information.

Table C-4 shows the supported security properties.

Table C-4 Security Properties

Property Name Description


Name of the user or group

Object Name

Artifact name

Access Mode

Permission granted. Default is NONE. Valid values:

  • READ



  • LAUNCH (valid when Object Type is Rule)

  • NOLAUNCH (valid when Object Type is Rule)

  • NONE: Default


Member function to be used while applying the access. Default is MEMBER. Valid values:

  • MEMBER: Default





Object Type

Artifact object type. Default is SL_DIMENSION (Dimension/Member). Valid values:

  • SL_FORM - Form

  • SL_COMPOSITE - Composite Form, Infolet, or Dashboard

  • SL_TASKLIST - Tasklist

  • SL_CALCRULE - Rule

  • SL_FORMFOLDER - Form Folder

  • SL_CALCFOLDER - Rule Folder

  • SL_DIMENSION - Dimension/Member: Default

  • SL_CALCTEMPLATE - Template

  • SL_REPORT - Management Report

  • SL_REPORTSSHOT - Management Report Snapshot