Enable Search to Add Product Names to the Dictionary Automatically

You can enable search to automatically add product names located in external document collections to the Search dictionary. The application creates new concepts for the product names that it discovers during content processing.

Adding product names to the dictionary improves search accuracy because search will treat product name concepts as important search terms, and will rank documents that contain those product names higher in search results. You can also add synonyms to product name concepts to help match common terms that users ask about to specific products and services.

You enable automatic product name concepts by setting a profile option. When you turn the profile on, the application automatically generates product concepts from product names and adds them to the dictionary. It also shows any name changes in existing products, except for the products you modified manually with the Manage Search Dictionary tool.

  1. Go to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. At the Setup menu, select Service, Knowledge Management.

  3. At the Company Profile panels, select Manage Knowledge Search Profile Options.


  5. Select Yes to apply the profile to your site.

    You will see the effects of automatic product concept generation after the next content processing cycle completes.

You can disable this profile, but be aware that turning it off may compromise search accuracy. The application won't generate product concepts from product names and will remove the existing product concepts from the dictionary, except for the product concepts you modified manually with the Manage Search Dictionary tool. To disable this profile, select No.