Set Scores for Concepts in the Dictionary

You may want to tune your search results so that specific articles appear closer to the top of the search results. You can help achieve this result by updating the scores of the concepts in the dictionary.

A concept score is a value that reflects the importance of the concept to your organization. This score helps establish how relevant a document is to the search question during document retrieval and ranking. All dictionary concepts have an original score. How the concept gets its original score depends on the concept type.

  • Default (Out of the Box) concepts are assigned scores during the ontology development cycle.

  • Custom concepts (those concepts your organization creates) are assigned the default score High.

  • Product concepts are assigned scores during the content indexing process. Product concept scores can vary depending on the number of articles that mention the product name.

A concept score has a value of High, Medium, or Low, where High represents a concept that is very important to your organization and Low represents a concept that is not as important.

You can add a score for new concepts or change the score for any existing concepts in the dictionary.

  1. Click Setup and Maintenance and navigate to Knowledge Management Search Dictionary.

  2. At Manage Synonyms, enter a term and click the Search icon.

  3. Select a concept.

  4. At the Concept Details menu, select a value in the Score field.

  5. Click Save.

    Your changes will take effect after an incremental content processing completes successfully.