Industry-Specific Search Dictionaries

As a knowledge manager, you can choose a search dictionary that is more relevant to your business than the default Customer Help dictionary. Industry-specific search dictionaries result in more accurate search results, and are translated into all supported languages.

Industry dictionaries include concepts, synonyms, and other features that optimize search results for your business. For example, the Finance industry dictionary comes with pre-defined financial concepts and synonyms that enable the search to fetch the most relevant answers for your search terms.

You can choose one of the following dictionaries:

  • Customer Help is the default, and includes concepts like Service Request, Customer Satisfaction and Purchase Order. Customer Help is included in all industry dictionaries, so changing from customer help to an industry dictionary does not remove any concepts.

  • Computer includes concepts like JDBC Connector, Public Key Certificate, and Read Only.

  • Finance includes concepts like Vesting Schedule, Variable Interest Loan and Slush Fund.

  • Insurance includes concepts like Dwelling Fire Policy, Claim Adjusting and Optional Coverage.

  • Telecommunications includes concepts like Android, Family Plan and Internet Traffic.

  • Travel includes concepts like Booking Code, Advance Seat Reservation and Twin Cabin. It also includes airport concepts and IATA airport codes, such as Frankfurt Airport and New York John F Kennedy Airport (JFK), and contextual recognition of ambiguous IATA airport codes. Contextual recognition of ambiguous airport codes of the Travel industry dictionary is available in 5 languages: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian. For example, the IATA airport code WAS (Washington Airports) is the same string as the verb was in English. Contextual recognition looks at the context of the user's question to determine whether the string is a verb or an airport code.