Expose Work Orders to Users

Follow this procedure when you have completed setup for work orders and you're ready to expose work order views to the user.

Before you start

Note: You must have a role for the following privileges:

To expose Work Order to users do the following:

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:
    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Change Feature Opt in link

  2. Click the Edit icon for Features in the Work Order row.
  3. Expand Service Work Order.
  4. Select the Enable check box in the Service Work Order row to expose Work Orders from the Springboard.
  5. Select the Enable check box in the Create Service Work Order row to expose Work Orders from the Navigator and in Service Requests.
  6. Click Done.

What to do next

The work orders are now available to users through Service Requests, the Navigator, and from the Springboard.