Manage Service to Field Service Integration

In this task, you manage your integration between Fusion Service to Oracle Field Service.

Note: You must have a role for the following privileges:

To configure the integration in Functional Setup Manager:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Work Order

    • Task: Manage Service to Field Service Cloud Integration

The first part of the setup consists of the following configuration components:

  • Integration Configuration: The point-to-point call to the Oracle Field Service Capacity API that's used to retrieve the list of work order areas and the date and time slots for the scheduler on the work order create and edit pages.

  • Connection Configuration: The options available to configure the UI scheduler object used to select a requested date and time slot when creating or rescheduling a work order.

Note: For integrations prior to release the Work Order Area Retrieval section, the Bucket Resource Retrieval (Based on the Oracle Field Service work zone key definition) will be checked and the postal code option is selected.

For integrations starting from release

Select the Oracle Field Service Integration Options You Plan to Use

For integrations prior to release click on Edit to update your selections.

Work Order Retrieval

  • Select the Bucket Resource Retrieval (Based on the Oracle Field Service work zone key definition) option.

Next, select the option you plan to use:

  • Postal Code (Requires Oracle Field Service work zone key definition set only to postal code)

  • Enhanced Configuration (Enables full support for Oracle Field Service work zone key definition)

    Note: With this option, the work order type field is required in the work order before the REST service call is made to retrieve the work order from Field Service. To make it a more logical flow for user data entry, you may want to change the order of the fields in the work order create page layout and place Type before Work Order Area. You can change this in Application Composer.Every work order field in the Work Zone Definition is required (including Time Zone and Type) to retrieve the Work Order Area

Resource Scheduling

Select the resource scheduling you want to use.

  • Quota-based Booking (Requires Oracle Field Service capacity management)

  • Direct Assignment Booking

    Note: To use Direct Assignment Booking, you must select the Enhanced Configuration option for Work Order Retrieval.

Configure the connection to Oracle Field Service

Follow these steps to configure the connection to Oracle Field Service

  1. Enter the Field Service API Base URL for field service integration.

    The standard URL scheme is <instance_name> or https://{alternate_name} (for TEST - <instance_name> or https://{alternate_name}

  2. To find the instance_name or alternate name: In Field Service, navigate to your user avatar and click About in the Preferences section.
  3. Enter the Client ID: ics_fsvc_ofsc.

    The Client ID comes from the Application you created in Oracle Field Service.

    Tip: The Client ID must be entered exactly as shown in lower case letters.For more information, refer to the Register a New Application section in the Oracle Field Service Configuration chapter of this guide.
  4. Enter the Company Name.

    To find the Company Name: In the Field Service configuration click About in the General section. The Company Name is the Instance you see on the About page.

  5. Enter the Client Secret.

    The Client Secret comes from the Application you created in Oracle Field Service.

    Refer to the Register a New Application section in the Oracle Field Service Configuration chapter of this guide.

  6. Click Verify Connection to connect to Field Service.

    The application then verifies it can access the SOAP and REST services that is needed for work order retrieval and resource scheduling.

    Caution: The connection must be verified before you can enable the integration.

When the Work Order Retrieval connection is verified, an Available icon appears next to the option and the Work Order Retrieval tab appears on the page.

The same is true for Resource Scheduling. When the connection is verified, the Scheduler Configuration tab appears on the page.

Work Order Area Retrieval Tab

Fitness Formula

  1. If you're using work order retrieval, on the Work Order Retrieval tab, select the Enable option to enable work order retrieval in field service work order create page.

  2. Enter a number for the maximum number of records that will be displayed to the user on the work order create page.

  3. Contact your Oracle Field Service administrator to coordinate the numbers you enter for the Work Skill and Work Zone Fitness Formula settings.

    More information about fitness formulas can be found in the Administering Oracle Field Service guide.

Work Zone Definition

Note: Required if you're using Direct Assignment Scheduling.
  1. Click Retrieve Work Zone Key . This calls the metadata service to retrieve work zone keys from Oracle Field Service.

  2. Select the Work Order Fields that map to the Field Service Work Zone Key. Match the fields to the Field Service setup because that's what will retrieve the work order area.

Scheduler Configuration

When the connection is verified, the Scheduler Configuration tab appears on the page.

If you're using Scheduler Configuration, click the Enable Resource Scheduling check box.

Quota-based Booking

The scheduler contains the information users see on the calendar availability for scheduling service. The following two tables show the scheduler legend.

Scheduler Cutoff


Color Shown on Calendar

High Cutoff

All times above this cutoff threshold show on the scheduling calendar as available time slots.


Low Cutoff

Times equal to or less than this cutoff show on the scheduling calendar as unavailable time slots.


Scheduler Cutoff

Color Shown on Calendar

Any times above the low cutoff up to the high cutoff.


No quota was defined in Oracle Field Service


Resolution due for staying in compliance with the SLA


The Current Day Buffer can be set so that an agent can't book within a set time frame. For example, if a time slot is available at 3pm and you don't want an agent to book service for a two-hour time slot before 3pm, then set the buffer to 120 minutes. This blocks the agent from scheduling time from 1pm to 3pm.

Set the Scheduler Start of Week to the day your business week begins. This sets the schedule calendar to begin with the day your business week begins. For example, if your business week begins on Sunday, the calendar starts with Sunday and goes through the following Saturday.

Direct Assignment Booking

You can have as many direct assignment schedulers as you want. Use the icons to Add, Edit, or Duplicate schedules in the table.

To create a Scheduler:

  1. Click the Add icon.

  2. Enter unique values for the following:

    • Scheduler Code

    • Scheduler Name

    • Description

  3. Click Create.

  4. In the Scheduler Configuration window, select the Scheduler Start of Week from the list.

  5. Select the values for the Fitness Formula.

    Contact your Oracle Field Service administrator to coordinate the numbers you enter for the Work Zone, Time, and Skill.

    More information about fitness formulas can be found in the Oracle Field Service guide.

  6. Click OK.

  7. Select the Active check box for the Schedulers you want to make active.

  8. To assign roles to a scheduler, click the Add icon and select one or multiple roles from the list. You can also select Any if you don't want to select specific roles.

When users are creating or rescheduling a work order, on the Scheduler page, users see the scheduler based on what criteria is met in order of active Schedulers in the table. You can reorder the schedulers from the Actions menu, or by using the Reorder icon.

Here's how it works:

The application looks at the list of schedulers starting with the first active scheduler and evaluates whether that scheduler meets the scheduler criteria. If it does, the user sees that scheduler. If not, the application moves to the next active scheduler in the table until the criteria is met.

For example, let's say you have two schedulers in the table. Scheduler #1 has the role Customer Service Representative. Scheduler #2 has the Customer Service Manager role. When the Customer Service Manager user clicks on the scheduler while creating (or rescheduling) a work order, the scheduler would populate based on Scheduler #2 because Scheduler #1 didn't meet the role criteria.

Tip: Hint: If you have multiple active schedulers, consider having the final scheduler use Any role. Otherwise, if criteria isn't met for any other active scheduler in the list, the user will receive an error message saying there is no scheduler available.

Don't forget to click Save on the Manage Service to Oracle Field Service Integration page.