Manage Work Order Profile Options

In the Configuring the Manage Work Order Profile Options task, you set the profile options for work orders. There are three predefined profile options.

Note: You must have a role that contains the following privileges to perform this task:

To set the profile options:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Work Order

    • Task: Manage Work Order Profile Options

  2. Optionally, make changes.

The following table shows predefined work order profile options.

Profile Option

Default Value




Sets the formatting for the work order number. The work order number increments from the set value. The default value is ten zeros. The value can be changed.

Note: This format overrides the format identified in the RADIX for the Manage Public Unique Identifier Sequence Generation.



Exposes the audit feature tab on the Work Order detail page so users can view the Work Order audit records.



Turns the work order functionality on and exposes work orders to users.

Note: This profile option is visible in all releases, however if you're implementing Field Service in later releases, you should use the Change Feature Opt-in link to turn on the work order functionality. See the procedure for Exposing the Work Order Integration Setup.
Note: The default prefix for work orders is CDRM. To change the prefix for work orders, do the following:
Tip: The maximum length of both prefix and format combined is limited to 30.