Enable Profile Options for Web Chat for Service

Web Chat for Service is a syndicated widget that you can deploy on your Digital Customer Service application or any web page through the Engagement Engine single tag.

Web Chat for Service makes use of a chat session that occurs between an end user and a chat agent.

To use Web Chat you must enable a number Profile Options for Chat Fusion Service.

Set Profile Options for Self-Service Optimization

First you must ensure the the correct profile options for Self-Service Optimization are set. Refer to Set Profile Options for Self Service Optimization for more information.

Configure Chat Profile Options

Chat profile options enable you to configure assignment and routing options for chat requests. You must configure these chat profile options to enable various chat features.

Enable profile options for Chat to enable the web chat for service widget, allow anonymous access and enable the wait time setting.
Profile Option Description Default Value
SVC_CHAT_INLAYS_ACCESS_ENABLED Enables access to the web chat widget to get the bootstrap configurations. This was a profile option also available for chat inlay. No
SVC_CHAT_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_ENABLED Enables anonymous access to chat for your customers. No
SVC_CHAT_WAIT_TIME_ENABLED Enables displaying of the estimated wait time for a customer before an agent is expected to accept the chat request. Yes
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click the Tasks icon, and then click the Search link.
  2. In the Search field, enter Manage Administrator Profile Values.
  3. Click the link for the task.
  4. To enable chat interactions do the following:
    1. In the Manage Administrator Profile Values work area, enter the following in the Profile Option Code field: SVC_CHAT_INLAYS_ACCESS_ENABLED and click Search.
    2. Set the Profile Value field to Yes.
    3. Click Save.
  5. To enable anonymous access do the following:
    1. In the Profile Option Code field, enter: SVC_CHAT_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS_ENABLED, and click Search.
    2. Set the Profile Value field to Yes.
    3. Click Save.
  6. To enable the wait time setting do the following:
    1. In the Profile Option Code field, enter: SVC_CHAT_WAIT_TIME_ENABLED, and click Search.
    2. Set the Profile Value field to Yes.
    3. Click Save.
  7. Click Save and Close.