Self-Service Registration

Here's an overview of user self-service registration.

When the Digital Customer Service Reference Implementation template is used to create your Digital Customer Service application, users can take advantage of the self-service registration feature available to anonymous users through the Sign-Up link on the home page of their Digital Customer Service application. There are various profile options that control the way in which the self-service registration feature behaves. For more information about profile options relating to self-service registration, refer to Configure Profile Options in the related topics.

One profile option to note though is the ZCA_CONTACT_ADDRESS_REQUIRED_ENABLED profile option. You must set this profile option to one of two values:

  • No. This means a contact address for the contact is optional.

  • Yes for Customer only. This is the default value and it means that an address is required for contacts of the Customer type only.

Note: The Digital Customer Service Self Service Registration feature doesn't support requiring addresses for all contact types, just for the Customer type.

The APPID user is used to call the self-registration API on behalf of the anonymous user when they use the Sign-Up link. For this API call to function the user must enter a unique email address.

Note: A user can register multiple times if they need to be registered as a user in multiple customer accounts. Each registration request should use a different Account Key.