Set Up Self-Service Registration without an Account Key Requirement

Administrators can enable this feature in the Setup and Maintenance work area. This feature is delivered enabled.

Note: After enabling the self-service registration without an account key requirement, as specified in this section, the ODCS application developer specifies whether or not to require the account key by specifying the ODCS application-level variable userRegistrationType. The value consumer is used if you don't want to specify an account key. The default is contact, which requires an account key.
  1. Sign in to Fusion Service as an administrator or setup user.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service.

    • Functional Area: Digital Customer Service.

    • Task: Manage Digital Customer Service Profile Options.

  3. Locate the SVC_CSS_ALLOW_CONSUMER profile option and set it to Yes.

  4. Optional step: Locate the SVC_CSS_CONSUMER_USER_CATEGORY and set it to the user category for consumers which defines the redirect URL for self-service users after a password reset.

    After these settings are enabled, the Account key field will no longer be required for self-service users to register in the ODCS application.