Activate and Configure AI Similarity Service

The AI Similarity Administration page gives you quick access the Similarity Administration UI without going into the IDCS console to retrieve the URL of the host.

Note: To have access to this task you must have the HRC_ADMINISTER_AI_APPLICATIONS_PRIV (Administer Adaptive Intelligence Applications) privilege. This function privilege is included in a new seeded job role ORA_HRC_AI_APPLICATIONS_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB (Adaptive Intelligence Applications Administrator).
Here is how you can quickly access the Similarity Administration page:
  1. Log in to the Fusion application as a user with the Administer Adaptive Intelligence Applications privilege.
  2. From the Tools menu, you can access the AI Apps Administration option, as shown in the following screenshot:

    The AI Apps Administration quick action.

  3. Click AI Apps Administration.

    A new browser window opens displaying all of your AI applications.

  4. Select Service from the Product Family menu, and then click SR Similarity.

    The AI Apps Administration page.

  5. If the feature isn't yet activated, the Activate button will be displayed, along with the option to add the connection details at this point or later on (Ingestion Configuration switch). If you choose to only start the activation process, click the Activate button and wait until completed.

    Screenshot of the Activate button.
  6. If you choose to add the connection details at the Activate step, then click on the switch and enter the username, password, and URL needed to connect to the application, and afterwards click Activate.

    Username is the one having access to BI Publisher (extraction tool), and the URL is your application host. For example, if the application link is, then the URL to enter on the page is

    Screenshot of the Similar SRs Administration region.
  7. After the activation is completed, click Home > Similarity Configuration.

    The SR Similarity dashboard.

  8. If you already activated the feature, in Step 2 you'll see the three fields added to allow you to filter the ingested data.

    The Apply Ingestion Data Filters page.

  9. To add a filter, click Edit and add a date in the field, then when you're done, click Save.
    Note: Any changes in this page will require full reingestion.

    The date settings.

  10. In the Configuration step, by default, the ready-to-use fields considered in the similarity calculation are displayed, along with their importance. Importance implies how much significance a field has in the calculation, and consequently has a bearing on what similar SRs are returned and the ranked order of their display in the results list.

    A screenshot of the Configuration page.

  11. If you want custom or other standard fields to be ingested and taken into account by the algorithm, do the following:
    1. Click Edit.
    2. From the Add Field drop-down list, select the Service Request or Message object.
    3. Start typing or select a field from the drop-down list.

      You can select the ready-to-use or customer fields.

    4. Select an importance from the drop-down list.
    5. Click Add.
      Note: Adding or removing fields from the configuration impacts the accuracy of the results (similar SRs list). Add additional fields only if those fields contain relevant information that would make the list of similar SRs more accurate. As a recommendation, a few more fields added or replaced should be enough to influence the precision. Do not add multiple fields with the hope of improving the accuracy. On the contrary, it may have an adverse impact on accuracy, since an additional field means it's cannibalizing the importance of other fields.

      Detail of adding the Service Request object.

    6. Double click the row if you want to change the importance of an already added field in the table.

      Detail of the Importance setting.

    7. Save the changes when ready.
      A full reingestion is needed for the changes to take effect.
      Note: Changing the importance of a field alone doesn't need to full reingestion. An incremental ingestion is enough.
  12. If reingestion if required, choose a time interval, then select Perform full reingestion from the dialog box and click Schedule.

    The Scheduling page.

    The reingestion job will run according to the schedule you set.

Review Ingestion Job Status

In addition job start and schedule times, you can review a job’s status during the ingestion of SR and Message data. Statuses show whether the job is in pre-processing stage, is running, or has successfully completed.

The Ingestion Status page.