Configure Screen Pop Pages

This topic describes how to configure screen pop pages.

Configuring a screen pop page includes the following steps:

  1. Configuring a business object

  2. Creating a token

  3. Mapping a page

  4. Defining rules

To configure a screen pop page:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Communication Channels

    • Task: Manage Screen Pop Configuration

      Note: You may have to select All Tasks from the Show drop down list to view this task.

The Screen Pop Configuration page is displayed.

Create a Business Object

Business object configuration enables you to specify the business objects that can be used for reverse lookup and for screen pop. You can configure a standard business object or a user business object. A standard object is based on a ready-to-use business object and a user business object is based on a user-defined business object that's created using the Application Composer. For more information about creating user business objects using Application Composer, see Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

A standard business object is based on a preconfigured business object, such as Service or Queue.

To view a standard business object:

  1. Click the Business Objects tab.

    Business Objects tab lists standard and user-defined business objects. The standard or the predefined objects cannot be modified or deleted.

  2. Click the Systems Objects tab.

  3. View the mapped system objects.

  4. Click Save or Save and Close.

To create a user business object, you must first create a user object in the application by using the Application Composer. Create the fields, pages, and security settings for the new object. For example, create an object called SRTickets in the Service application. For more information about creating a user business object, see Configuring Applications Using Application Composer guide.

To create a user business object:

  1. Click the Business Objects tab.

    Business Objects tab lists standard and user-defined business objects. The standard or the predefined objects cannot be modified or deleted.

  2. Click the User Business Objects tab.

  3. Click the add icon.

  4. Select object type as User-Defined.

  5. Select the application in which you created an object. For example, select Service application.

  6. Type the name of the user-defined object that you created and click Validate. For example, type SRTickets.

    If the object name is valid, the object full path is displayed.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save or Save and Close.

Create a Token

To create a token:

  1. Click the Tokens tab.

    Tokens tab lists standard and user-defined tokens. The standard or the predefined tokens cannot be modified or deleted.

  2. Click the User-Defined Tokens tab.

  3. To add a token, click the add icon.

    A token consists of the following details:

    • Name: Any alphanumeric value that represents the token

    • Token Code: Unique code that's used to represent a token

    • Description: String to provide extra information about the token

    • Object Name: Business object to which the token is associated. Object Name is an optional value.

    • Object Attribute: Attribute of a business object that's associated with the token. Attribute is an optional value.

  4. Specify the values for the token and click Save.

Map Screen Pop Page

After creating the token, map a screen pop page to an existing page of the associated business object.

  1. On the Screen Pop Page Configuration page, click the Pages tab.

  2. To create a page mapping, click the add icon.

  3. Click the User Interface Type drop down list and select Application Development Framework.

  4. Select a Standard or a User-Defined type.

  5. Select an Object Name.

  6. Enter a Page Name.

  7. Enter a Page Title for the screen pop page. A title can contain a title prefix, the name of the token, and a title suffix. One of these values is mandatory.

  8. If you have selected a User-Defined type of mapping, the Page Path is displayed automatically when you select the page. However, for a standard mapping, you must specify the page path. After specifying a page path, click Inspect to validate the page path and to list the page parameters.

  9. In the Page Parameters Mapping section, associate required parameter with a token or a user-defined value. Based on the input that's passed to one or more page parameters, the information is displayed in the page. For example, based on the invoice number parameter, the invoice details screen is displayed.

  10. Click Save.

The Show Only Used check box lists only those pages that are specified in a rule.

Define Screen Pop Rules

Screen pop configuration rules determine which set of rules must be applied when a screen pop logic is invoked. Different screen pop rules can be invoked based on a number of different variables, such as application classification and channel. Based on the input parameters, you can choose from a number of different pages to screen pop to the agent. For example, pages such as the Contact Edit, Account Edit, and Service Request edit pages can be displayed to the customer. Additionally, you can choose to create an object, such as a service request. This framework also allows for user-defined objects to be presented to the agent as part of the screen pop process.

Define rules in order of priority to display a screen pop page, when an associated token value is available. If a rule in a higher priority isn't satisfied, the next in the order is checked. To define rules:

  1. On the Screen Pop Page Configuration page, click the Rules tab.

  2. First, create a rule set. A rule set consists of one or more rules that are defined in an order of priority. To create a rule set:

    1. Click the add icon. You can also select Duplicate from the Actions menu to duplicate an existing rule set.

    2. Enter a Rule Set Name.

    3. Select an Application Classification to which the rule set belongs.

    4. Click the User Interface Type drop down list, and select either Application Development Framework or Redwood depending on your implementation.

    5. A rule set is Active by default. To deactivate a rule set, clear the Active option.

    6. Enter a description for the rule set.

  3. Next, add rules to the rule set. To add rules:

    1. Click the add icon.

    2. The priority column displays the order of priority in which the rules are checked. You can change the priority by clicking up arrow and down arrow icons.

    3. A rule is enabled by default. Clear the Enable option to disable a rule.

    4. Select the communication channel to which the rule is applied. For example, a rule is applied only when an agent receives a service phone call or when there is a chat alert from a customer. You can add or modify the channels list by modifying the associated lookup values.

  4. Select a Token name.

  5. Select a page to display, when a token value is available.

  6. Click Save.

  7. When you're finished creating the rule sets, click Done.