How You Configure the Media Toolbar

An administrator can configure both the horizontal toolbar and vertical media toolbar. Live Window is an alternative to the media toolbar. For more information about the live window, see the Configure Live Window and Companion Tab for CTI topic in the Related Topics list.

  • If the company has enabled partner Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) service.

  • When the signed-in user has the access privileges to a toolbar.

An administrator can configure multiple media toolbars, and specify a default.

The default toolbar gets assigned to all users.

Tip: Set the toolbar with the greater number of users as the default toolbar.

An administrator can also set other users to the non-default toolbar, or alternatively the agents can do this themselves.

An administrator can set the alternative toolbar for users by using the SVC_OVERRIDE_PARTNER_TOOLBAR_SELECTION profile option and creating a user row with the alternative toolbar for each user.

Agents can set an alternative toolbar by doing the following:

  1. Click the Settings and Actions menu, and select Set Preferences.

  2. Click Media Toolbar, and then click the Override Media Toolbar drop-down list and select the alternative toolbar.

  3. Click Save and Close, then log out and log back in.

While configuring the toolbars, you can also configure incoming call notification window. The notification window displays basic details about the incoming call.