Manage Work Order Types

Use the Types tab on the Manage Work Order Integrations page to create work order types.

Note: You must have a role that contains the following privileges to perform this task:

Work Order Type Configuration

Add and update the types of work orders you're using on the Manage Work Order Integrations page. Enabled work order types appear in the drop-down list for agents when they create a work order. To configure the work order type:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Work Order

    • Task: Manage Work Order Integrations

  2. Select the row of the integration you want to manage the work order types.

  3. Select the Types subtab in the Details region.

  4. Add and update types of work orders.

    The following table shows the columns on the Work Order Types page with descriptions.




    Activity Type Code


    Value of the label property from the corresponding activity type.

    Work Order Type Code


    Unique code for a work order type.

    Work Order Type


    Value that's visible to the user in the work order.

    Manual Duration


    Number of zero or greater based on the corresponding activity type property setting. This value is either used or ignored when estimating the duration to perform the activity.



    General description of the work to be performed.

    Caution: Work order types can't be deleted.
  5. Click Save and Close.