Test and Evaluate Service Request Similarity

Before the SR Similarity feature is enabled for the application users, power users and administrators should test and evaluate the feature in the test application. After the feature is configured, administrators can optionally verify and test it in the test application.

Here's how power users and administrators test and evaluate the feature in the test application.

  1. Sign in to https://<your_host>/crm-svc/ai-similarity/ with your credentials and click Similar SRs Computation.

  2. Evaluate the feature by entering known phrases, words, or strings for the SR field such as Title, Description, Message, or SR Reference Number (if known), and view the results displayed.

  3. If the similar SRs displayed are not along expected lines, tweak the importance or the fields configured for similarity computation. However, an addition of a new field or removal of an existing field entails full re-ingestion of data.