Manage Dynamic Links

A dynamic link is a URL that has a variable parameter in it and links to third party applications.

You can configure Knowledge Management to allow authors to use dynamic links in articles.

Create a Dynamic Link

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Service Request Dynamic Links task:
    • Offering: Service
    • Functional Area: Productivity Tools
    • Task: Manage Service Request Dynamic Links
  2. In the Manage Dynamic Links page, click Add, and enter the following information:
    • Object Type – The link type that will be displayed in Authoring when the user tries to insert a link.
    • Generate Pattern – Select the check box.
  3. Click Ok.
    • A new custom object and a corresponding pattern is created.
  4. In the Manage Dynamic Links page, select the custom object that you added.
  5. In the second half of the page, click Add and enter the following information:
    • External URL: The URL that needs to be constructed when the dynamic link is in place.
      • Note that the external URL must contain {0} which is the parameter that's replaced with the text or number adhering to the pattern.
      • For example, if the link you want to generate is, enter the External URL as{0}.
    • Internal URL: Enter the internal URL for the third party application, if any. If not, it can be the same as the external URL.
  6. Click Save and Close.

Enable Dynamic Links in the Rich Text Editor

After you create a dynamic link object, as a Knowledge Administrator, you must enable the dynamic link in the rich text editor.

Use the following procedure to enable dynamic links in the rich text editor:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Knowledge Authoring Rich Text Editor task:
    1. Offering: Service
    2. Functional Area: Knowledge Management
    3. Task: Manage Knowledge Authoring Rich Text Editor
  2. Select the Department for which you want to enable the dynamic links.
  3. In the Links area, select the check box for the dynamic link you created.
    • By default, any new dynamic links you create are not enabled in the Links area.
  4. Click Save.