What happens when I change queue properties?

Here's what happens when you change the properties of an existing queue.


What happens

What you need to do

Disable an active queue

  • The queue still appears in the UI in the Queues list. It doesn't appear in other locations, such as when editing an SR, or in searches during a queue assignment.

  • Assignment Manager continues to assign work items to the queue without assigning an agent (just like in a manual queue).

  • Any unassigned work items in the queue remain unassigned.

  • Delete any assignment rules associated with the queue.

  • Manually assign any unassigned work items in the queue.

Change an automatic queue to manual

Any new or existing work items in the queue are no longer automatically assigned.

Manually assign these work items.

Change a manual queue to automatic

  • Existing work items in the queue at the time of the change aren't routed automatically.

  • Any new work items that come into the queue are routed automatically.

Manually assign existing work items.

Rename a queue

Renaming a queue doesn't affect work items already in a queue. However, Assignment Manager will continue to assign work items to the renamed queue using the existing assignment rules.

You don't need to do anything.