Examples of Updating End-of-Year Data for Canada

While preparing and processing your year-end tax data for reporting, if required, you can make changes or corrections as needed. However, how you uptake those changes into your year-end reports depends on where you're in the process:

  • After year-end archive

  • After year-end register

  • After generation of the year-end slips

  • After the year-end slips are distributed to employees

After Year-End Archive

To make any corrections subsequent to running the year-end archive:

  1. Make corrections.

  2. Roll back and rerun the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results process to capture your changes.

  3. Run the End-of-Year Register report to review the corrected year-end data.

  4. Run the End-of-Year Exception report to review exceptions.

  5. Run the individual year-end slips.

After Year-End Register

Follow the procedures mentioned in the previous section, to make changes to your employee data subsequent to running the year-end register. You can run the End-of-Year Register as many times as needed and no roll back is necessary.

After Generation of Year-End Slips

If you haven't yet distributed the year-end slips to your employees or submitted them to the government, and you want to make changes to your employee data:

  1. Make corrections.

  2. Roll back the individual year-end report processes.

  3. Roll back and rerun the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results process to capture your changes.

  4. Run the End-of-Year Register report to review your corrected year-end data.

  5. Run the End-of-Year Exception report to review exceptions.

  6. Run the individual year-end slips.

After Distribution of Year-End Slips to Employees

If you have already distributed the year-end slips to your employees and submitted the electronic interface files to the government, and you want to cancel or amend the slips, complete these tasks as required.



Note: As a prerequisite, you must configure a Payroll Relationship Group to include the employees whose slips you want to cancel.

To cancel slips:

  1. Run the End-of-Year Reports process to generate the cancelled year-end PDF.

    Note: Populate the Payroll Relationship Group parameter in the Run End-of-Year process. If the Payroll Relationship Group is blank, all slips are cancelled.
  2. Run the End-of-Year Register report to review the cancelled slips. Set the Report Type parameter to Cancelled.

  3. Run the End-of-Year Reports process to generate the cancelled year-end interface.



To amend slips:

  1. Make changes to the tax data already reported to the government, for example, balance adjustments to the data displayed on the slips.

  2. Run the Archive End-of-Year Payroll Results process to capture the changes.

    Note: You may optionally populate the Reason for Amendment to report the reason in the interface files for the T4 or T4A.
  3. Run the End-of-Year Register report to review year-end data for the amendment. Set the Report Type parameter to Amended.

  4. Run the End-of-Year Exception report to review exceptions for the amendment. Set the Report Type parameter to Amended.

  5. Run the End-of-Year Reports process to generate the amended year-end PDF.

  6. Run the End-of-Year Reports process to generate the amended year-end interface.

When performing amendments for the employee, note the following tips:

  • If you perform a YTD adjustment to amend a year-end slip after the original PDF and interface is processed, the date of the YTD adjustments for the prior year must be "12/31/XX", where XX denotes the affected year. The balance adjustment is processed using the results element that feeds the year-end balance. Ensure that the eligibility exist for the results element.

  • The file name of the T4, T4A, RL-1, and RL-2 registers and PDFs distinguish if it's an original or amended version.

  • The header of the register indicates if it's an original or amended version.

  • The PDFs follow government guidelines to distinguish if it's an original or amended version.

  • The RL-1 includes the original slip number from the original archive and reports it on the amended version of the PDF and interface file.

The amended slip is provided to the employee, as well as reported to the government.