Update an Employee's TFN

You can update an employee's Tax File Number (TFN) Number by selecting eligible employees based on employee status and manually updating TFN. You can select the employees even if Payroll or Tax Reporting Unit (TRU) isn't assigned to them.

To manage an employee's TFN:

  1. Start the Manage 28 Day TFN Adjustment task from the Payroll Calculations work area or Administration Work Area.

  2. Enter the Effective Date. This is a mandatory field that defaults to current date. By default, employees whose 28 - day period ends on or before this date is retrieved for TFN adjustment.

  3. Select the Employee Type from the single select choice list.

  4. Select a Legislative Data Group. If there is only one Legislative Data Group defined in the application, it's selected by default.

  5. Select a Tax Reporting Unit (TRU). To search all TRU, leave blank.

  6. Select a Payroll. To search all payrolls, leave blank.

  7. Click Search to see the list of employees for each TFN and employee status.

  8. To edit the TFN of an employee, open the calculation card of the employee and update the information.