Corrective Actions for Payments

Once you determine the cause of the error and status of the process, you can choose the best corrective actions.

Voiding Payments

You can only void a payment that with a status of Paid or Reconciled. Voiding a payment simply updates the payment status of the record to Void and doesn't reverse or delete any payment calculation information.

The most common reason you would void a payment would be an electronic funds transfer (EFT) payment that was sent to an incorrect bank account number or the bank account is closed.

To void and reissue a payment:

  1. Submit the Void Payment process in the Payment Distribution work area or select the Void Payment action from the View Person Process Results page for the payment.

  2. Reissue the payment in the next payment run.

    Once you have voided a payment, the application reissues it automatically the next time you run the payments process for the same payment type, payment method, and payment date as the voided payment.

Reversing Payroll Calculations

You can reverse a payroll calculation after generating a payment. The reversal process generates a negative run result to offset the original run result, and maintains an audit trail. The reversal doesn't affect the payment itself, only the payroll run results and costing results.

Note: This differs from the Roll Back action performed when a payment wasn't issued.

The most common reasons you would reverse payroll calculations would be an overpayment or underpayment was made to an employee.

You can reverse a payment within the same payroll period it was generated but if you reverse the calculation after running prepayments but before the payment process, the process will still issue payment. You can reverse a payment from a previous payroll period, before or after processing the payroll for the current period.

To reverse the payroll run results and costing results:

  1. Select the Reversal action from the View Person Process Results page to reverse an individual calculation or Submit the Reverse Payroll Calculation process in the Payroll Calculation work area to reverse a set of payroll calculations, based on the parameters you select.

When you submit a reversal, you can control whether the next prepayments process, which covers the date of the reversal, includes the negative net pay value, as shown in this table.


You Reverse

Negative Net Pay Option Selected


On April 30 you incorrectly pay a temporary employee for the hours of another employee.

The temporary employee agrees to have the overpayment deducted from the next payment.

Temporary employee's payment in the May payroll run

Include in Pay

Next prepayments run that includes the reversal date reduces the temporary employee's payment

An employee terminates on April 30, but the information isn't communicated to the payroll department.

The employee contacts the payroll department, informs the payroll manager of the overpayment, and returns the overpaid amount in cash.

Employee's April payroll run using the same process date for the reversal as you did for the payroll run

Exclude from Pay

Next prepayments run that includes the reversal date doesn't reduce the employee's payment.

Error Prevents Process from Completing

When an error prevents the payroll calculation or payment generation process from successfully completing, correct the underlying data. Depending on the status of the process, the standard payroll actions, Mark for Retry and Retry are available for you to use.

Incorrect Results

When a process completes successfully but the results are incorrect, use the Roll Back action to negate the results of the process and leave no audit trail. This effectively lets you start over with no trace of the action.

Note: Once the process issues a payment, you can't roll it back.

Corrective Actions in Reports

Some reports, such as the Payroll Activity and Payroll Register reports, include a submission parameter for Balances Reported. This parameter determines whether the report includes payment and nonpayment balances for reversals and balance adjustments. For example, you might process a reversal and include the negative net payment in the next prepayments process. You submit the Payroll Register report and select the option to include payment balances only. You then use this report to review payroll results and compare balances with other reports you have run.

Note: For some tasks that generate files, such as reports and EFT payments, you can retry or roll back the entire task but not individual results.