Overview of Setting up a Plan and Type for Adoption Leave

An employee is eligible for Statutory Adoption Pay and leaves based on certain criteria set by the legislation.

An employee can be entitled to Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) and Leave if they meet the legislation criteria. The rate at which it is paid is also set by the legislation.

The following formulas are used:
  1. UK Adoption Absence Entitlement (ORA_HRX_GB_ADO_ENTITLEMENT) – This formula checks the following:
    • The employee has been employed for 26 weeks continuously into the matching week.
    • The employee’s average weekly earnings (during the relevant period) must be at or above the Lower Earnings Limit.
    • The leave exceeded 39 weeks of Statutory Adoption Pay.
    • Leave blocks are for 7 days.

      If any of these checks fails, the application creates the appropriate certification. Otherwise, it calculates the employee’s entitlement to SAP. If the checks fail, then the application will raise the appropriate certification to stop payment of the leave. Otherwise it will calculate the employee’s entitlement to SAP.

  2. UK Adoption Absence Validation (ORA_HRX_GB_ADO_VALIDATION) – This formula checks the following:
    • The start date of the absence cannot be more than 14 before the expected placement date or later than the placement date.
    • If the child reaches the age of 18 before the leave end date, you can only enter the absence up to the child’s 18th birthday.