Approval Worksheet Actions

Here's a comprehensive list of the approval worksheet actions. They apply to all of your subordinate managers, direct reports and otherwise. You can apply some or all of them depending on the worksheet setup and your role.

Action Location Description
Approve Actions menu and toolbar Approve the proposed budget, compensation, performance, and promotion changes for the selected managers or all of your subordinate managers. After you approve their submitted plan changes, your subordinate managers can't make any more changes to the plan worksheets.
Return for Correction Actions menu and toolbar Return the plan changes from the selected managers or all of your subordinate managers. Include comments about the corrections they need to make because these comments are automatically used to notify them.
Request Information Actions menu and toolbar Enter your request for the information that you can't find in the configured tabs at the top of the worksheet. The selected managers are automatically notified of your request.
Change Access for All Managers Actions menu Set the access level, such as no access, no updates allowed, or updates allowed, for all of your subordinate managers.
Access Level Worksheet row Set the access level, such as no access, no updates allowed, or updates allowed, for that row of the worksheet.
Change Due Date for All Managers Actions menu Change the due date for all of your subordinate managers, direct and otherwise.

For context about the workforce compensation plan changes awaiting your approval, use the configured tabs about compensation overview, allocation statistics, salary range analysis, and alerts. These tabs are at the top of the approval worksheet. You can also use icons in each row of the worksheet to see the manager's team status and action history.