Performance Considerations for Balance Initialization Batches for Canada

When it's time to do the initialization, use HCM Data Loader (HDL) to load your balance values to these interface tables:


For further information, see the Steps to Initialize Balances general topic in the Help Center.

If you have many balances to initialize and performance is a consideration, please note the following when initializing balances for Canada:

  1. Make your first balance conversion a small one. Build separate HDL files for each group of 20 balances you prepared in the previous section.

    Use one assignment number per balance and use it for all elements.

    This creates the necessary balance initialization elements.

  2. When configuring HDL, set the transfer group size to 20,000. This forces the process to use 10 threads.

  3. For subsequent batch files, don't exceed 200,000 records.

  4. Use the Delete Stage Table Data task to purge all staging data.

    Do this periodically during your HDL batch loads, such as after loading every 10 HDL files.

For further information, see Overview of Maintaining the Stage Tables.