Ways to Create Plans

Create benefits plans with one of the following methods, which are available in the Plan Configuration work area using the Manage Benefit Plan Details task.

  • Complete the Quick Create Plan page.

  • Prepare and upload an integrated Microsoft Excel workbook.

  • Complete the plan configuration process.

    This method is the only one that enables you to edit plan configurations.

  • Complete the Create Plan page accessed from the Quick Create Program page.

    Use the Manage Benefit Program Details task to open the Quick Create Program page.

After creating a plan not in program, you can validate the completeness of the plan and options configuration.

Quick Create Plan

The Quick Create Plan page is useful when you want to set up the essential framework of a benefit plan configuration quickly.

You can associate or create and immediately associate the following in one place:

  • One plan type

  • Multiple options

  • Rates that use the flat amount calculation method

You can quickly configure essential characteristics for a plan, in or not in program. Quick Create automatically sets several plan characteristics to commonly used values.

You can't use this method to edit any existing object.

Integrated Microsoft Excel Workbook

Use the integrated workbook method when you want to create one or more benefit plans quickly. You can't use this method to edit an existing benefit plan.

  1. Enter basic plan details using the workbook.

  2. Save the file locally to share the plan designs with others.

  3. Upload the finalized plans to the application database.

  4. Edit and add configuration details using the Plan Configuration work area tasks.

Plan Configuration Process

The plan configuration process provides the complete set of benefit plan characteristics, and therefore the greatest flexibility for setting up and maintaining plans. This method is the only way to edit an existing plan. Use it to edit plans created by any method.

If you're midway through the process and discover that you didn't completely set up an object that you require for your plan configuration, you must:

  1. Leave this process.

  2. Go to the relevant task for setting up the missing object.

  3. Complete that auxiliary setup.

  4. Return to this process and complete the plan configuration.

Create Plan Page Accessed from the Quick Create Program Page

While setting up the essential framework of a program configuration using the Quick Create Program page, use this method to create a plan in program.

  1. Click Create Plan to open the Create Plan Basic Details dialog box.

  2. Specify the essential characteristics of a plan in program, including associate the new plan with an existing plan type and multiple existing options.

  3. Return to the Quick Create Program page and immediately associate the new plan with the program.

Validation of Plans Not in Program

The validation process identifies errors early in the setup process and enables you to resolve quickly any issues that might occur. Validate plans in program as part of your program validation.

  1. In the Plans tab Search Results section, select a plan not in program

  2. Click Validate.

  3. On the Plan Hierarchy page, select an option.

  4. Click Validate.

You can hover over those fields with icons to view a description of the status.