Involuntary Deductions Calculation Card Components for Mexico

Use the Calculation Cards task under Payroll in My Client Groups to create an Involuntary Deductions calculation card for an employee with involuntary deductions.

You can edit the Involuntary Deductions calculation card of an employee

and add calculation components, select the payees for the deduction, set the deduction rules, and set calculation values to override the predefined calculation component values on the card.

Let's look at the components to consider when managing involuntary deductions for Mexico:

  • Base information

  • Involuntary deduction data

  • Involuntary deduction payment details

  • Involuntary deduction rules

  • Start and end dates

Base Information

When creating a new calculation component, you're prompted to provide these details related to the involuntary deduction.




Calculation Component


Name of the involuntary deduction element type that you created for the involuntary deduction element that you want to attach to the employee.

Element Name


Reporting name of the element associated with this calculation component. This isn't editable and is automatically defaulted based on the element selected.

Subprocessing Order


Processing order override for cases when multiple card components have been defined. Any positive number can be used for this value. The lower the number, the higher the priority. When multiple card components exist, use the subprocessing order to ensure correct processing.

Enter a large number for the first card component, such as 100, and for subsequent card components, use a lower or higher number. The number you enter depends on whether you want it processed before or after the existing card components.

In the case of duplicate subprocessing orders, involuntary deduction elements are processed in order by the element entry date.

In the case of duplicate involuntary deduction elements, where the same start date is used and no subprocessing order is specified, the elements are processed in order by the lowest element entry ID (the order in which the element entries were created).

Reference Code


Reference code as provided on the originating order.

This code uniquely identifies the deduction. An employee can have more than one order of the same deduction element. For child support this is the Child Support Order Reference number.

Let's look at the calculation components that are created and applied automatically whenever an involuntary deductions card calculation component is created for an employee:

  • Involuntary Deduction Data

  • Involuntary Deduction Payment Details

  • Involuntary Deduction Rules

Changes made in the Calculation Card apply to the current employee only.

Involuntary Deduction Data

Involuntary deduction data provides configuration details for the involuntary deduction. The details you can add include:

  • Multiple calculation components for the same or different involuntary deduction types

  • Subprocessing Order to specify the order in which the deductions are to be processed in the payroll run

  • Calculation component details for Garnishments, Support or Tax Levy deductions

Involuntary Deduction Rules

In the Involuntary Deduction Rules section, enter the involuntary deduction number, received date of the order, the start date of the deductions, a description, the frequency of deductions, and the issuing authority such as Family Court.

The Frequency field specifies how often the deduction is made, such as monthly or weekly, regardless of the payroll frequency. If you leave the Frequency field blank, the payroll frequency is used.

Involuntary Deduction Payment Details

The payment values provide details on how an involuntary deduction is paid. The list of available options for these fields is populated by persons and organizations defined through the Third Parties task. The payee fields display all third-party person payees associated with this payroll relationship and all external payees defined for your legislative data group.

Note: To use a third-party organization payee, select "External Payee" in the Party Usage Code field on the Third-Party Payment Methods page. This makes the organization payment method available for selection as a payee on the employee's involuntary deductions card.

Enterable Calculation Values on Calculation Cards

You can enter the order amount or percentage of net payment, fee, or other amounts used in the calculation on the Enterable Calculation Values tab.

Start and End Dates

The following start and end dates determine which involuntary deductions are included in payroll processing:

  • Effective As-of Date

    Set when the involuntary deductions card is created.

  • Received Date

    Found under Involuntary Deduction Rules for the calculation component, this field indicates when the deduction order was received. Used to specify when the deduction begins in payroll if no start date is specified.

  • Start Date

    Found under Involuntary Deduction Rules for the calculation component, this field determines when the deduction should begin deducting in payroll. If not specified, Oracle Fusion Payroll uses the received date.

    The element entry starts on the same date as the card component effective date and not as of this start date. If applicable, the maximum withholding duration days are tracked from this date. The start date should be on or after the card component date.

  • End Date

    When an involuntary deduction has been fully repaid, you must end date both the element and the calculation component. To end date a calculation component:

    1. End date all overrides associated with the calculation component and save.

    2. End date each of the calculation component details and save.

    3. End date the calculation component. Once the calculation component is end dated, the element entry is end dated.