Best Practices for Creating Time Entry Objects

You need to create separate time entry profiles for each unique combination of time entry objects, as shown in these diagrams.

The more objects you create, the greater the ongoing maintenance effort. You want to find a balance between optimizing the time entry experience for your time reporters and the effort required to maintain that experience.

Here's how the time entry components and time categories of layout sets work together. And how the layout and time attestation sets of the time entry profile work together. The following sections provide some combination of guidelines, considerations, questions, and examples to help you decide how many time entry objects to create.

Payroll, project, absence, and custom time attributes make up time entry layout components. These layout components, which are either time entry fields or web clock buttons, and time categories make up the layouts in a layout set.
Questionnaires and time categories make up time attestation sets. Link groups of people to layout sets and optional time attestation sets using worker time entry profiles.

Custom Time Attributes

Create as many custom time attributes as you need for people to record company-specific time information outside of payroll, absences, and project costing. For example, you want people to record the type of break they take, such as Breakfast or Tea.

Time Entry Layout Components, Time Categories, and Layout Sets

You've many considerations to factor when deciding how many time entry layout components, time categories, and layout sets to create. For example, when you create layout components, you set a default field or button name. You can elect to let people override those names when they configure layouts. This approach minimizes the number of layout components you need to create because you can reuse them in different layouts. You create as many layouts as you need to provide meaningful time entry, review, and approval pages for the people using them. Another topic has questions, examples, and comments to help you assess how many of these objects you need.

Time Categories and Time Attestation Sets

Create as many time attestations sets as you need for the different groups of policy and regulations you need groups of people to attest to. Also create as many time categories as you need to identify the web clock events and time entries that cause the attestation questionnaires to appear.

Time Card Access Settings on Time Entry Profiles

Create one profile for each group of people when the different groups have these conditions:

  • Different settings configurations for time card access
  • The same settings configurations for time card access for different date ranges

If individuals and their managers have the same settings configuration for time card access, with the same date ranges, create one profile per layout set. If subsets of managers have different configurations or use different date ranges, then create one profile for each subset of managers and their people.

Schedule, Worker Attestation, and Cost Override Options on Time Entry Profiles

Create one profile for each group of people with the same schedule, worker attestation, and cost override options.

HCM Groups

You link one or more HCM groups with each profile. Define separate groups wherever the characteristics are unique across profiles or groups of profiles. For example, you group people into separate groups for these reasons:

  • One group reports only payroll and absence time.
  • Another group reports project costing, payroll, and absence time.