How Many Time Entry Layout Components, Categories, and Layout Sets to Create

Use these questions to help you figure out how many layout components, time categories, and layout sets you need to create.

Question Examples and Comments
What type of time do you want people to report? Examples: Project costing, payroll, absence, a combination, company-specific information
What layout components do people use to report time?


  • Expenditure type, project ID or name, payroll time type, absence type, and cost center fields
  • Start shift, end shift, and break web clock buttons
How often do people report time with the fields? Regularly, infrequently, or does frequency vary among different groups?

Example: You've a group of people who regularly reports payroll costing and another group who does so infrequently. These configurations support both groups with a single field and two layout sets:

  • Time card field: You add a payroll cost segment as a dependent field of the Payroll Time Type field. You configure the dependent field to appear regardless of the selected value for the payroll time type.
  • Layout sets:

    • In one set, you configure the time entry layout so that the cost field shows as part of the main table.
    • In another set, you configure the time entry layout so that the cost field appears in the entry-level dialog box.
You edit the display name in each layout set to show the name most expected by that group of people.
Should everyone see the same drop-down list values for the time attribute or only those values that apply to their time entries? If you plan to differentiate drop-down list values, how do you want to do that?

Examples of how you can differentiate the drop-down lists:

  • Based on assignment
  • Based on exemptions, such as overtime in the US
Can you filter the drop-down list values by creating a value set or using private view objects delivered by Oracle Global Payroll Cloud? Do you need to create different fields?

If you create value sets, you need to create time card fields to use those value sets. You can limit the number of required value sets by creating table-defined value sets. Use the logic of the filter variable to constrain the values available for each person according to values selected for the independent time attribute.

You can filter values using values specified for related independent layout components that appear on the time card or Web Clock. You can also use values from these places:

  • The time card itself, such as time period start and end dates
  • Hidden fields, such as Assignment

Values for hidden fields automatically populate based on these values:

  • The person's primary assignment
  • Values provided for related independent layout components
Should everyone see the same name for the layout component?

Example: You use the delivered Payroll Time Type time card field. You want certain people to see the field name Type of Hours Worked and other people to see Time Type.

You can change the default display name of appropriately configured layout components when you edit the layouts in a layout set.

Create different layout sets for different groups of people who use the same layout component but with different names.

Should everyone see the same time totals?

Example: You've reservists and you want their reservist time to show in their time totals. You want to exclude reservist time totals for people who aren't reservists.

Create different layout sets for people with time totals from different time categories.

Do you want to automatically allocate time entries to payroll cost segments? If yes, do you want people to see these allocations?

Example: Allocate the person's daily hours evenly to the 1111 and 2222 departments.

You can create time allocations using just the dependent Payroll Time Type cost attributes and no time entry fields. To view the allocations, you must create the dependent fields and add them to time card layouts.