Create Custom Time Attributes

To create a custom time attribute, you use the Custom Time Attributes task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. It's part of the Workforce Deployment offering, Time and Labor functional area.

  1. On the Custom Time Attributes page, click the Create icon.
  2. On the Create Time Attribute page, complete these steps:
    1. Enter a name and description.
    2. Select the classification type, which indicates if the attribute has dependent attributes.
    3. Select the data type of the attribute. It need to match the data type of the linked value set.
    4. Optionally, select the unit of measure used for payroll and reporting purposes.
    5. Select the data source value sets that appear first in the data source drop-down lists when your administrators configure time card fields with these attributes.
    6. Select an attribute category value to group time attributes for reporting purposes. You create your own attribute categories as lookup type values.

      When you select an attribute category, the data dictionary location that stores the custom time attribute appears. The location value also indicates the number of times this attribute category was used to group time attributes.

    7. To add dependent time attributes, go to the next section. Otherwise, save your changes and close the page. Saving your time attribute adds it to the data dictionary.
  3. If you're using the nonunified time entry experience and you selected the classification type With dependent attributes, you need to add the dependent time attributes. Here's how to do that:
    1. On the Create Custom Attributes page, in the Dependent Time Attributes section, click Create.
    2. Select the data type. It needs to match the data type of the selected data sources.
    3. Select the data source value sets that need to appear first in the data source drop-down lists when your administrators configure the dependent fields.
    4. Save your changes and close the page. Saving your time attribute and any dependent attributes adds them to the data dictionary.

    If you're using the unified time entry experience, you can create the related single-attribute time card fields instead of dependent fields. Then add the custom attribute and related single-attributes fields to the appropriate layouts in the layout sets, in the display sequence that makes the appropriate drop-down list values available.