Overview of Custom Time Attributes

You can create custom time attributes that store company-specific information in the time repository and add them on people's time cards. You can also link dependent attributes to these independent custom attributes. Then use this information in rules and reports.

For example, you want to record the type of break people take when they report time for the Break payroll time type. You start by creating a value set with these values to link to your custom attribute:

  • Standard 10-minute break
  • Special 15-minute break
  • 2 combined 10-minute breaks
  • Lunch break
  • Combined lunch break and 10-minute break
  • Combined lunch with 10-minute breaks to leave early

You then create your custom time attribute, which you can use with the Break time card field or web clock button.

Note: You can't delete custom time attributes after you create them. And, the attribute values don't transfer to payroll or project costing.

Value Sets

Before you create your custom time attributes, create at least one value set for each independent and dependent time attribute.

  • If your list of values is the same for both the setup tasks and time entry, you can create just one value set. Use that value set with both the unfiltered data source and the filtered data source.
  • To limit the drop-down lists for time entry to valid values for each individual, create both an unfiltered and a filtered value set.
Caution: Updating an existing value set for a custom time attribute linked to time entry layout components already used on time card layouts causes errors. You need to create a new value set, new custom time attribute, and new layout component instead. Then, replace the existing layout component with the new component in the appropriate layouts.

Attribute Categories

You can use attribute categories to group multiple custom time attributes together, to help when people add time attributes as part of setup tasks. For example, you can use the delivered Custom category to identify time attributes not delivered as part of the application. You can also use these categories in reports.