Ensure Workers Get Only Completed Time Card Approval Notifications with Approval Comments

By default, workers get the delivered TimecardApprovalFYI notification when their time cards are approved or rejected. Those notifications don’t include approval comments. Here’s how they can get only an approval or rejection notification with approver comments.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, on the Tasks panel tab, click Search.
  2. On the search page, search for and click the Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management task.
  3. On the BPM Worklist page, make sure Task Configuration is selected.
  4. In the Search field, enter Time (no space after the term).
  5. Run the search. Here are the approval tasks you should see listed.
    Time Consumer Approval Task Information
    Payroll TimecardApproval When ELA isn't enabled for the assigned Time Consumer
    Payroll TimecardApprovalELA When ELA is enabled for the assigned Time Consumer
    Project Costing ProjectTimecardApproval When ELA isn't enabled for the assigned Time Consumer
    Project Costing ProjectTimecardApprovalELA When ELA is enabled for the assigned Time Consumer
    Worker FYI Notification TimecardApprovalFYI Delivered FYI notification that can be set Inactive so workers only get the completed approver notification that contains approval comments
  6. So workers see only the completed notification with approval comment, disable the delivered Worker FYI notification. That notification doesn't include any approval comments. Here's how to disable the FYI notification:
    1. Select TimecardApprovalFYI. When the task is selected, the task displays in the right region of the page.
    2. On the search toolbar, click the Edit icon.
    3. On the Assignees tab, select the SoaOlabel.Time box. The box turns blue when selected.
    4. In the SoaOlabel.Timecard Submitter section, click Advanced.
    5. Select the Ignore Participant option.
    6. On the search toolbar, click the Save icon.
    7. Optionally enter a comment.
    8. To complete the update to the task, on the search toolbar, click the Commit icon.
  7. Enable the approval notification to route the completed approval notification with comments to the approval initiator. For time card approval purposes, the initiator is always the worker the time card is for. Here's how:
    1. On the BPM Worklist page, search for and select the task, for example, TimecardApproval.
    2. On the search toolbar, click the Edit icon.
    3. On the Notifications tab, in the table, add a row.
    4. In the Task Status column, select Complete.
    5. In the Recipient column, select Initiator. The row then shows as Complete and Creator.
    6. Save your changes.
    7. Optionally enter a comment about the changes.
    8. Commit your changes.