Run Rates-based Salary Process

Salaries can change because of changes to the salary structure or worker attributes. Use the Run Rates-based Salary Process and Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values tasks to handle these changes.

When you submit the Run Rates-based Salary Process process, you specify whether to create salaries or correct salary records, by recalculating rate values. You use population filters to identify the workers and salary assignments the process should check. Use the run type to specify whether to commit the new or corrected salaries to the CMP salary, CMP rate values, and PAY EE tables. Or you can specify to wait for review.

When it runs, the process calculates what the rate values will be on the effective date and compares the results with CMP table values to identify salary changes. It creates salary proposals and details. For example, the process identifies whether the proposal is for a new salary or a correction and includes the salary amount, rate values, action, and reason. If you specified to wait for review, you review the Run Rates-based Process results using the Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values task.

For example, the salary for a group of workers has two components. One component is a user-entered annual base amount, the other is a derived rate that's 50% of the annual base for people working at headquarters. Changes to compensation policy for this group require changes to the relevant salary basis rate component. Workers at headquarters need to get a derived rate that's 60% of the annual base. Here's how you'd configure the processed depending on whether you want to change or correct salary.
Parameter Change Correct
Process Mode Create new salary by recalculating rate values Correct salary by recalculating rate values
Effective Date January 1 of next year Start date of the salary basis
Run Type Calculate salary values and wait for review Calculate salary values and wait for review
Population Filter Select the relevant salary basis Select the relevant salary basis

Here's a flow diagram of Run Rates-based Process.

Process flow for Run Rates-based Process.

The Run Rates-based Salary Process and Review Proposed Salary Changes and Rate Values tasks are available on the My Client Groups > Compensation page.