Run Third-Party Involuntary Payment Extract

Use the involuntary payment interface when using a third-party provider to process your involuntary deductions.

The Third-Party Involuntary Payment Extract flow extracts an employee's relevant garnishment data into an output file appropriate for the provider, so the employer can submit it for processing.

To run this flow:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.

  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group (LDG).

  4. Search for and select Third-Party Involuntary Payment Extract.

Before You Begin

You must have successfully completed your payroll processing for the period, including prepayments calculation.

You must have successfully run the periodic archive.

Process Parameters


Payroll definition name.

This field is optional. If specified, the process captures the involuntary payment information for all employees associated with this payroll definition.

If blank, this process captures all active payrolls in the LDG.

Start Date

Start date of the payroll period you're reporting.

End Date

End date of the payroll period you're reporting.

Process Configuration Group

Process configuration group for logging and performance purposes.

Process Output

This process produces the following output.



Output File

Includes all relevant employee garnishment data. This USThirdPartyInvoluntaryPaymentsExtract.xml output file is accessible through View Results. The employer submits this file through the third-party provider's processes.

Audit Report

Lists all garnishments included in the extract. Review this file for accuracy and completeness before submitting the output file to your third-party provider.

Exceptions Report

Logs any errors detected during the extraction process. Review this file and resolve any issues detected.

To download and view these reports:

  1. After you have successfully run the payment extraction, select Checklists from the Navigator.

  2. Use the search criteria to determine the flow name, and copy it.

  3. Select Reports and Analytics from the Navigator.

  4. In Contents pane, expand Shared Folders > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payment Distribution > US.

  5. Select Third-Party Involuntary Payments Extract, and click View.

  6. In flowInstanceName, enter the flow name you queried on the Checklists page, and click Apply.

    The XML output, exception report, and audit report appear as separate tabs.

  7. Select Export from Actions to save these reports as CSV files, suitable for viewing in a spreadsheet application.