Tax Reporting Unit Calculation Card for the Netherlands

To create the tax reporting unit (TRU) calculation card, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, use this navigation:

  • Offering: Workforce Structures

  • Functional Area: Legal Structures

  • Task: Manage Legal Reporting Unit Calculation Records

You must consider these points when you create a TRU calculation card:

  • Calculation cards per TRU

  • Calculation card components and component details

  • Default and multiple sector funds

Calculation Cards per TRU

You can only have one calculation card for each TRU at any point.

Calculation Card Components and Component Details

These calculation card components are created automatically when the calculation card is created. You must provide TRU information in the component details:

  • Sector Fund WW Contribution: Use this component to create social insurance contributions to create sector funds for the TRU. One sector fund component is created automatically when the calculation card is created.

  • Tax Calculation: Specify the proration tax table in the component details.

  • Wage Tax Subsidy: Specify whether actual working hours or contractual hours are used for the part-time percentage method.

  • WGA Contribution: Use the overrides tab to specify the WGA contribution percentage for the TRU.

Default Sector Fund and Multiple Sector Funds

You can create more than one sector fund for a TRU. To specify a sector fund as default, create component details and select the default option.

If there is only one sector fund component, it becomes the default sector fund for the TRU.

If you create multiple sector fund components, specify one of them as the default.

The default sector fund is associated with all the personal calculation cards for the TRU.

You can override the default sector fund in the employee personal calculation card and specify another sector fund. You can only select from the sector funds created for this TRU.