Configure Earnings and Absence Elements for ROE Reporting

When defining earnings or absence elements, there are specific questions on the element template related to ROE reporting. The questions determine whether:

  • If the insurable earnings are allocated by Date Earned or Date Paid.

  • If there are insurable hours associated with the element.

  • If the absence element should create the ROE Notification event.

The element template has these three questions for ROE reporting:

  • If this element is insurable, how are the earnings allocated?

    The options available for this question are Date Paid or Date Earned.

  • Are there insurable hours associated with this element?

    The options available for this question are Yes or No.

  • Should this element create a ROE event notification?

    The options available for this question are Yes or No.

Note: If the earnings aren't insurable as defined in the wage basis rules, the answers to these questions have no impact.

Insurable Earnings Allocation

As defined by Service Canada, different types of earnings are either insurable in the pay period in which they're earned (for example, regular salary and wages, overtime, and so on) or in the pay period in which they're paid (for example, bonus, shift premiums, and so on). Set up each insurable element with either a Date Paid or a Date Earned value.

Payrolls where the pay date is the same as the period ending date report 'Date Paid' earnings differently than payrolls where the pay period ending date is prior to the pay date. For payrolls where the pay date and pay period ending date are the same date, date paid and date earned elements are reported together in the same pay period.

For payrolls where there is a hold back, for example, when the pay period ending date is prior to the pay date, the date earned elements are reported in the current pay period. Date paid elements are reported in the following pay period when there is a hold back, as the pay date falls in the next period.

Insurable Hours

Insurable hours associated with the element are reported in Block 15A, Total Insurable Hours, on the ROE. Elements that are used to pay insurable retroactive payments are also included. If the base element is enabled for retroactive processing, the Retroactive Result element is also insurable for hours.

Insurable hours are captured as of the effective date entered when processing the ROE archive and two pay periods following that date. For example, if an employee terminates or goes on a leave of absence and is paid their final pay in pay period 10, any hours subsequently paid with a pay date that falls between the pay period begin and pay period end dates of pay period 11 or 12, are included in the ROE.

ROE Event Notifications

A ROE Notification event is created automatically when an employee:

  • Goes on a leave of absence and the element associated with the absence plan is defined to create a ROE event notification.

  • Gets terminated and a termination date is entered in the Work Relationship UI of the employee.

In both of these situations, the employee must have at least one day of insurable earnings in the 365 days prior to their termination date or to the absence.

Note: If the absence record is entered for a paid leave, the associated element must be defined not to create an event notification. An ROE should not be generated if there is no interruption of earnings.

Use the Event Notifications task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page to view event notifications for employees. Select the Legislative Data Group and enter Event Report Type of Record of Employment Notification to view employees by the event Process Date.

ROEs are generated for unprocessed events that exist on or before the Effective Date parameter of the ROE Archive process. This table lists the event notification statuses.

ROE Event Notification Status


Awaiting Processing

The ROE archive isn't been processed for the employee.


Not supported for ROE events.


Not supported for ROE events.


The ROE archive was processed successfully for the employee.

The ROE Archive captures ROE information for employees included in the ROE Notification. Once the ROE Archive has been processed, the event is locked and can't be removed without first rolling back the ROE Archive process.

Terminated Employees

An ROE is generated if the termination date of the employee is on or before the Effective Date entered while processing the ROE archive. Earnings that are paid in the pay period of the termination and the two subsequent pay periods are reported on the ROE. If the payroll has a hold back, the pay date falls after the period end date, any payments made for elements that are allocated based on date paid must have a pay date that falls within the pay period begin and end dates of the two pay periods following termination.

If a termination is reversed and if the ROE archive hasn't been processed, the ROE notification record is deleted. If the termination date of an employee changes and the ROE archive hasn't been processed, the event process date is updated to reflect the new date.

Rehired Employees

When an employee is rehired and subsequently has an interruption of earnings, regenerate the Reporting Information card for each of the ROE Components and Component details by updating the effective date of each component. The ROE archive process ignores all pre-existing ROE Components and Component Details from prior ROE archives.

If the employee is hired into a different TRU, update the TRU association of the Reporting Information card for the new employment period.

Employees on Leave of Absence

An ROE is generated if the leave of absence start date in the employee's absence record is on or before the date entered in the Effective Date parameter when processing the ROE archive.

The ROE Archive uses the absence record start and end dates to derive the last date for which paid and the expected recall dates from the employee's work schedule. The last day for which paid is the last scheduled working day prior to the leave start and the expected recall date is the first scheduled working day following the absence record end date. For leaves that don't have an end date, the expected date of recall is set to 'Unknown'.

You can override the last day for which paid, first day worked, and expected recall dates if necessary using the Reporting Information card within the ROE Data Component. Create the Reporting Information card with the effective date of the first day of the leave. Following a leave of absence, the first day worked on subsequent ROEs is derived from the first scheduled work day following the last absence record end date.

If you delete the absence record and the ROE archive isn't processed, the ROE event notification record is deleted. If the start date is modified and the ROE archive hasn't been processed, the event is updated to reflect the new date.

Earnings that are paid in the pay period in which the absence record starts, as well as the two subsequent pay periods, are reported on the ROE. If the payroll has a hold back, the pay date falls after the period end date, any payments made in elements that are allocated based on date paid must have a pay date that falls within the begin and end dates of the two pay periods following the start of the leave.

If you create the absence record for a combination of paid and unpaid leave, the employee is added to the ROE event as of the start date of the leave. You can manually remove the employee from the ROE event and enter an override date for Last Day for Which Paid in the Reporting Information card, which would represent the start of the unpaid portion of the leave.

The expected date of recall defaults to the next working day following the actual end date of an absence. The work schedule is used to determine the next working day after the actual end date. If the employee is on an open-ended leave of absence the 'Unknown' code is reported.