Use Absence Management

You can record absences and view your plan balances. You can also donate some of your plan balances to your co-workers and sell a portion of your balance for payment.

Add Absences

Here's how you can record an absence when you want to take some time off:

  1. Click Me>Time and Absences>Add Absence. You can also use the Add Absence quick action.
  2. Select an absence type in the Add Absence page. The application displays your balance for all the plans in the absence type.
  3. Select the start and end dates. If you have multiple assignments, depending on the absence type configuration, you may be able to enter an absence for a specific assignment using the Business Title option.
  4. Use the Repeat option if you want the absence to repeat at fixed intervals. Some absence types might require you to select an absence reason and attach supporting documents for the time off.
  5. Click Submit.

Review Existing Absences and Plan Balances

You can view your previously recorded absences in the Existing Absences page in the Time and Absences work area. This page displays all of your absences for the current year and their current status such as Scheduled, Completed, Awaiting Approval, and so on. You can search for an absence from any time period or date, and even filter the results by absence type or status.

Here’s how you can view your absence balance for various plans that you are enrolled in:

  1. Click Me>Time and Absences>Absence Balance.
  2. Use the Balance As-of Date option to display the balance either as of today or on the day of the last calculation.
  3. Select an absence plan from the Plan Balances section to get a summary of the overall plan balances.
  4. Click Year-End Details to see the amount of balances that will be carried over and the balance that will expire if you don't use it by the end of the plan year.
    Managers can use the Absence Planning page to review absences related to absence types with accrual or compensatory plans for all their direct reports.

Donate Plan Balances

Here's how you can donate some of your plan balances to your co-worker:

  1. Click Me>Time and Absences>Donations.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the details like the date, the recipient, the plan you want to donate from and amount you want to donate.
  4. Click Submit.

Disburse Plan Balances

Here's how you can sell a portion of your balance for payment:

  1. Click Me>Time and Absences>Cash Disbursement.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the details like date, the plan you to want to disburse the balance from, and the amount of balance to disburse.
  4. Click Submit.

Bid for Absence

You can request an absence by submitting a bid with two preferred absence dates, designating one as the first preference and the other as the second preference. Depending on the configured rules and other factors, such as seniority dates, submission date and time, manager can approve or reject your bid. Here’s how you bid for an absence:

  1. Click Me > Time and Absences > Absence Bid.
  2. Select an absence type.
  3. Enter the start and end dates for the first preference.
  4. Select the Add second preference check box to enable the start and end date fields for the second preference.
  5. Enter any other required additional info and click Submit.

Additionally, you can bid for an absence from the Absence Balance and Existing Absences pages using the Bid for Absence button. You can see the status of your submitted bids in the Existing Absences page.

Managers can see the submitted bids on the Absence Planning page. Depending on the company rules, they can approve or reject the bids along with other absence requests on this page. The approved bids are converted into absence requests. If the line manager is the only approver, then the approved bid becomes a scheduled absence. They can access this page from: My Team > Show More > Absence Planning.