Configure and Run Scheduled Processes for Touchpoints

Scheduled processes are available for specific business needs in Touchpoints. You run these processes in the Scheduled Processes work area.

Name Description Recommended Frequency
Process HCM Nudges Ensures that nudges are triggered on a timely basis Daily
Aggregate Oracle Touchpoints Data

Aggregates these engagement metrics that are displayed on a manager’s Touchpoints Summary page:

  • Team and organization average interactions
  • Team and organization average check-ins
  • Pulse score comparison chart containing averages for direct reports, indirect reports (if applicable), and the organization
  • Number of check-ins completed and not completed in the current month

Choosing a scheduling frequency is important because this determines how current the metrics are.

The period for which averages are displayed in the pulse score comparison chart depends on the survey frequency. These averages are computed only until the survey end date, regardless of the frequency of the scheduled process. For example, you schedule this process to run every day, and you have a monthly survey assigned to your team that completes on the 30th of every month. When you view this chart in July, you will see the same pulse score averages from Jan – June displayed every day. These averages will change only when the July survey is completed. Then, you can see the averages from February to July in August.

The team and organization average metrics are running averages and are therefore relative to the time when the scheduled process is run. For example, if you run the process every day, the period for which these metrics are calculated will also change relative to the current date. The same rule applies to the number of check-ins displayed in the pie chart.

Therefore, you can schedule the process depending on how frequently you want these metrics to be refreshed and also ensure that it aligns with the survey frequency. For example, if you have daily surveys, schedule the process on a daily basis.

The Aggregate Oracle Touchpoints Data has these additional parameters that you can specify:

  • Number of Parallel Subprocesses to Run – To complete the scheduled process faster, you can run parallel processes simultaneously. You can provide a number in the range 1 to 20, depending on the system capacity.
  • Run Type – You can select either an incremental run or a full run. A full run is required for the first time that you schedule this process. Thereafter, it's required only if you want to entirely reprocess the data for any reason. For subsequent runs, it’s recommended to schedule an incremental run, as it aggregates data since the last run job.